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Iran Equips Planes With New Warfare

According to report released by Iran’s Fars News Agency, a senior Iranian Army Commander on Sunday announced that the Iranian Air Force has brought into operation a new type of aircraft with the capability to trace all radar and wiretapping signals in the region.

Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Air Force for Intelligence and Reconnaissance General Navid Shayani told reporters that the plane, named Sadaf (Shell), performed operations during the ongoing war games by the Iranian Army in the Strait of Hormuz and northern Indian Ocean.

“The plane picks up all radar and radio eavesdropping signals in the region and specifies the type of radar signals and frequencies spreading throughout the region,” Shayani stated.

He also said that Iran is using this type of aircraft to identify and trace flights in the region.

The commander also announced that the Army’s Air Force has for the first time used Mirage fighter jets during the military drills.

“The weapons used in the aircraft have been optimized, and we have been able to mount the weapons that we load onto out planes on this plane (Mirage),” Shayani added.

The Iranian Army started six-staged war games, codenamed Vellayat 89, in the country’s southern waters in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf last Wednesday. The exercises will last for 8 days.

The Vellayat 89 war games send a message of security, peace and friendship to the neighboring countries, Iranian army officials say.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel / IMRA)

2 Responses

  1. “The Vellayat 89 war games send a message of security, peace and friendship to the neighboring countries Iranian army officials say.”
    Wow so delusional!

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