AS we reported HERE on YW last week, the IDF had banned anyone from davening at Kever Yosef Hatzadik in Shechem. We also posted a vow given by Breslov Chassidim that they would continue going to the Kever. Sure enough, more than 100 Breslov Chassidim were stopped in middle of the night (Motzei Shabbos) by the IDF & prevented from reaching the Kever.
10 Responses
Reb Motcha-
Just the opposite. You would have to prove that this is something that we SHOULD do before getting yourself in to trouble like that. And by the way, Bneibrak is saying the same thing I am.
They are not Chasidim because they reject the concept of having a Rebbe who will guide them. No Rebbe would say to do this. Chasidus without a Rebbe is like Tefilin shel yad without Shel rosh. The Heliga Shpola Zeide and R’ Moshe M’Savran saw bruach kodshum that they were headed down the wrong road.
Yatzmich: Yes, we are in golus. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make efforts to do what we must do. I don’t know if going to Kever Yosef Hatzaddik is something we must do, but if it is somethingwe must do, then the fact that we are in golus is irrelevant. So that argument doesn’t work. You would have to first prove it to be something we should not do, along the lines of what bneibrak wrote.
My Elter-Elter-Zeide was one of the two people who sneaked into the Maaras Hamachpeilah about 150 years ago, in order to be mispalel to remove a mageifah in Yerushalayim and Chevron. The Arabs would not let any Jews in, but they found a way in. The incident was written up in some choshiver seforim, and no one argued that “we are in golus.” If there is a need to do something, we must do it.
Whether that aplies here, I don’t know. But “we’re in golus” is not an argument for this sort of thing.
Just a subtle reminder – We’re in Galus, pal.
what???!!!! where is your seichel?? there is no mitzvah in the toira about going to a keiver (even a tzaddik like yoisef) and for sure not when there is a din of v’nishmartem meod l’nafshoiseichem!!! there is no yasher koiach for those bochurim! hashem should bring the geula soon so that we can go be mishtateiach in whatever keiver we want. IY”H
To everyone above: Because Israel is having other “problems” that means that we should forget about kever Yosef Hatzadik!?! Its a horiblle thing that we dont have this kever to daven at freely anymore,at least some Jews still have the guts to go there and daven. Im not saying the soldiers are wrong, they are doing their duty, but Yashar Koach to the Breslovers that do go!
Lo YeUMAN ki yesuper. Just comes to show that if one’s hashkofos are wrong, one is likely to do the most non-Torahdig things, thinking it’s a mitzvah
Please don’t give the impression that all Breslovers do such things. Mainstream Breslov chassidim would not think of doing such things. This is just one splinter group.
why is this a story? does every time some “baryonim” (rashi:anoshim raykim poichazim limilchama) try to instigate a war do we need new reasons to hate the hard working israeli soldiers?
With everthing (Hamas versus Fatah) going on in the Schechem these days I don’t think this is a wise decision.