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Giuliani’s Remarks To Jewish Community Relations Council Of Greater Washington

rudy cover.jpgMayor Giuliani On The Situation In The Gaza Strip And West Bank: “Jimmy Carter, saying, you know, we should be fair to Hamas.  We should treat them, you know, we shouldn’t show any discrimination between Fatah and Hamas. … You can’t see a difference? … I believe that if you look at Gaza, if I’m correct about my history, and you can correct it, it was the big debate about whether Gaza could be free. .. [H]ow would Gaza react if the Israeli army pulled out.  What would happen in Gaza? … Well, the Israeli troops got out.  And what happened in Gaza? Hamas went to war against Fatah, a civil war, a slaughter, senseless killings.  And now, Hamas controls Gaza, and Fatah is in the West Bank. … I always look at things as, the way I look at that is: cautious approach.  Nothing wrong, if there’s any hope of reaching an agreement, of talking to them, but do it with the admonition of Ronald Reagan, which the Clinton Administration forgot during the talks with Arafat. … [T]he way to deal with these situations is trust but verify.  Ronald Reagan used to say that about the Soviets.  We can talk to them, but we can’t just take them at their word.  We can’t say they’re going to reduce missiles.  We’ve got to go look, see, count, make sure, make sure they do it before we do it.  But they didn’t do that. Israel made concessions, Arafat agreed to make concessions, stop the terrorism, build up institutions. Did nothing. Instead, terrorism got worse … Well, we can’t make that mistake again.  We should try to help Abbas, we should be real cautious and make sure that it’s realistic. Make sure that we’re getting help from Jordan, other places so the burden doesn’t fall all on Israel, fall all on the United States.  Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.  It means we should try with a sense of steely realism, and not such a great desire for peace that we’ll agree to anything.”

Mayor Giuliani On The Threat Of Iran

“The message should be delivered to Iran, we’re going to use sanctions, we’re going to use negotiations, we’re going to find new ways of pressuring you to stop becoming a nuclear power.  But here’s the bottom line: you are not going to be allowed to be a nuclear power. No how, no way, just not going to happen.  Excuse me if I don’t take Ahmadinejad at his word.  … We made that mistake with Hitler.  We didn’t think he was serious. I’m not going to make that mistake again if I’m President of the United States. If a man says ‘I’m going to destroy Israel, I’m going to kill Americans,’ and that man runs a government, I’m going to take that risk seriously.  I’m going to assume he’s telling the truth.  And I’m going to stop him. If we take that approach we have a much better chance of stopping him without having to take military action. … Remember the history of the Iranians under the mullahs. In the 1970s they took American hostages. … They released those people after four hundred and forty-four days and one hour.  It was the one hour Ronald Reagan was taking the oath of office as President of the United States. The Iranians saw something in Ronald Reagan’s eyes that they didn’t see in Jimmy Carter’s eyes. What they saw in Ronald Reagan’s eyes said, ‘We’re going to release these guys.’  What they saw was seriousness. They saw a purpose. They saw a President who would, they believed, take significant action to protect the United States of America. They need to see that again.”

Mayor Giuliani On His Commitment To The U.S./Israel Relationship

“[T]here’s no circumstance under which [my support for Israel] would waiver because Israel and the United States have a relationship of friendship. It’s rooted in what we are and what we’re all about.  We’re countries that respect human life, respect human rights.  We’re countries that — same thing as asking me why do I have affection for the United Kingdom?  Everyone has affection for our allies, and Israel, I would put Israel in the category of one of our three strongest allies.  I view Israel with great affection because of Israel’s steadfast friendship with the United States.  And I think Israelis view Americans that way because of our steadfast friendship with Israel. … I don’t think there’s a hypothetical situation that is at all realistic that would, not only separate me from or America from Israel, or Israel from America, or any of that.  Israel is a firm friend of the United States.” 

17 Responses

  1. i am a big supporter, but he will NEVER win. most goyim dont like it that hes so pro israel. remember they hate us.

  2. Ghouliani is noone I would support. Many people suffered on September 11, 2001. Many people stepped up as Hero’s. Ghouliani simply threw down a soapbox and began what is now his ‘presidential bid.’ Gulli need stay at home with his 3rd wife (!) and be a better father to his estranged children.

  3. Sorry to say Urbmase but he was the best mayor the city ever had. He reduced the crime rate more than any other mayor in the history of New York, and when he first implemented his plans, people laughed at him, but look who’s laughing now. He’s always been good to the Jews, and who cares about his personal life. And about September 11 what exactly would you have liked him to do. I was there and I, and pretty much everyone else besides you, felt that he did an unbelievable job. He’s not a firefighter and he’s not a cop he’s a mayor, and he acted like one. He was there when the people of New York needed him. But they didn’t need a firefighter and they didn’t need another police officer they needed a mayor who they could lean on for support and he was up for the task and he did a great job. If you have anything of essence to say about the former mayor besides ripping him about his personall life then fine, otherwise you don’t have a point.

  4. No difference bt Hamas & Fatah. We all salute Gulli when he chased Arafat out of Lincoln Center, “no terrorist in my city”, he said.

  5. He will win the Republican nomination easily. He will then have a little struggle against Hillary, but he will pull through. I think he will be one of the best president’s we ever had. He always does what he think is right, unlike most politician’s.

  6. Aw man, on one hand I really like Giuliani but on the other hand, he’s pro-abortion (at least technically) and alternative lifestyle. I heard one of my rabbonim (forgot which one) say that you have to vote for the one who will cause a better moral climate in the country whether or not he is pro-Israel, so I wonder…

  7. Just because he was mayor during 9/11 and showed leadership, why does that qualify him to be the leader of the free world? Being a mayor of NY and having a successful track record of reducing crime and squeegie people does not mean he will do a good job on the national level.On social issues he is very liberal so why in heavens name do we want a liberal in the white house?

  8. Shalom xaverim. Gulli sold 42 St. to Disney…Times Square cleaned up. Family affairs not important to you? Why not elect Jim McGreevey as our Leader than? Hey, Olmert is free now, he would make a wonderful mate for soapbox Rudy. I wonder if Olmert family hates him as much as Rudy’s family hates him?

  9. The difference with Rudy is he does what he says. He is not afraid of public opinion. He is a true leader. With all his personal baggage he cleaned up Times Square, cleaned up the entire city. Taxes have gone up significantly under Bloomberg. Both property tax (60%) and water bills (50%) in less than 6 years! When Rudy was Mayor taxes increased at a level lower than inflation. Although some of his opinions are not conservative, he is the best choice there is for President.

  10. i agree fully with indamir mayor rudy did a great job as mayor and 9/11 was the grand finale showing he has leadership capibilites when under fire if anything it just proves he’s up to the task of leading this country
    as far as his personal life all politicions are the same and dont see how this can affect him leading this country and after clinton anything can go the taboos associated with indescretions are long gone ps unfortunatley it isnt any diffrent in israel as we saw

  11. The choices for the upcoming Pres election are far from perfect, but since it is the responsibility of every Torah Jew to vote, choices have to be made.

  12. what are you all debating anyway? you sheep are just going to do whatever your favorite talk radio host tells you to do anyway.

  13. bupkiss:
    I know you find it hard to believe that people can be conservative thinkers on their own, but it is just so. I’m sure you enjoy far more listening and mingeling with like minded people than with conservatives like most of us here at YW.
    Agav, Guilianni is only conservative on Foreign Policy but is a monster lib on domestic issues. Does conservative support for Guilianni not show we are indeed open minded?

  14. choosid,

    I like your response and I appreciate your ability to do so with the respect which is appropriate for open discussion. I’m sure I would enjoy having more discussions with you although this site is not set up for that kind of thing.
    Agav, I do like to mingle with the type of people that frequent YW, even if they define themselves as Conservatives. My views do coincide with conservatives for many issues.

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