Senator Brown Issues Apology For Hitler Remarks

Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is apologizing for invoking Hitler and Stalin on the Senate floor.

“I should not have mentioned the hostility of tyrants, like Hitler, to unions,” he said in a statement released Friday. “I don’t want my mistake to distract from the critical debate in Ohio, and I apologize for it.”

The statement came a day after Brown said dictators Hitler and Stalin didn’t want unions while railing against legislative measures proposed in Ohio and Wisconsin that would limit collective bargaining rights for state workers.

“I am passionate about fighting for the middle class,” he said Friday. “Ohio’s teachers and nurses and police and firefighters are facing the loss of their collective bargaining rights, and I think that’s wrong. But in speaking about this, I should not have mentioned the hostility of tyrants, like Hitler, to unions. I don’t want my mistake to distract from the critical debate in Ohio, and I apologize for it.”

State workers and supporters have traveled to the state capitols in both Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio to protest the controversial measures that were introduced as cost-cutting methods to battle budget deficits in both states.

(Source: CNN)

6 Responses

  1. An ad hominem argument is a logical fallacy meant to sidetrack rational discussion of an issue. Just to give one example, the above named dictators ate and drank. Does this mean that we should not?
    On the other hand, Senator Brown’s offence against logic should not be used to dismiss his position on the subject at hand. Rather, all should stick to addressing the issues.

  2. dear editor please clarify title as there are two senator browns please make it clear so not to confuse people who only glance at titles thank you

  3. Its always wonderful to have Charlie come on and spin stories to the daily kook left. What Charles didn’t say is that they made EVERYONE join a union so as usual good ol Charlie is failing to tell you the truth.

  4. But it is indeed true that one of the first acts of both the Communists and the Nazis was to get rid of independent labor unions.

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