House Dem: Tea Party Is The ‘Real Enemy’

“Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party,” Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) said at a Miami town hall, according to a report by the Miami Herald. “The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that’s to make President Obama a one-term president.”

Wilson’s comments follow incendiary remarks about the Tea Party from another member of the CBC on Saturday.

“This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the Tea Party can go straight to hell,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said at a town-hall-style meeting in California.


7 Responses

  1. I thought the enemy was Communism, Islamic terrorism, dictators, etc. But to these anti-democratic Congressmen, citizens expressing and voting on their opinions have become the enemy. (And I am not in the tea-party)

  2. This is good. They are fighting over macroeconomic issues. This is what they are supposed to be doing. One side feels we should expand the money supply by printing money, the other side feels we need to balance the budget. One fears American 1932, the other fears Germany 1922.

    This sure beats made up issues (Obama’s birth certificate, Bush’s intelligence, Clinton’s tastes in interns, Reagan’s sanity). We should be happy that the people who decide such things are really debating public policy.

    P.S. The Democrats should we worried about 1937 where their dumb policies prolonged the Depression, but that’s besides the point.

  3. The tea party is based on one issue: fiscal responsibility. Their opponents believe in a version of Keynesian theory that says this is irrelevant. This is a policy dispute as its finest. We should be proud as a country to have people really discussing real issues.

  4. This uber liberal is upset her wild spending is now accountable to people who are paying attention. She fails to want to understand that the “tea party” is made up of ALL members of society, black, white, purple, yellow, democrat, and republican who understand that we cannot afford to throw money around like it is water while also taxing constituents like there is no tomorrow.

  5. KosherKid, Akuperma, and bussies…you are hypocritical scoundrels…it’s fine to characterize President Obama as an enemy, with all kinds of vile and inaccurate adjectives…but suddenly it violates your sense of civics to call the Tea Party an enemy. Really now!!!

    I challenge you guys to name one seriously credentialed economist of any stripe who agrees with the Tea Party’s policies on taxation and the debt ceiling. The Tea Party’s opinions are completely outside the parameters of legitimate policy debate…thjey’re demagogic and dangerous.

    And I suppose, Akuperma, you’d say the National Socialists and Stalinists were discussing “real issues” too…nonsense.

  6. #6 – who are you objecting to, the Tea Party people who vilify Obama, or the Liberal Democrats who vilify Tea Party. I’ve know people of all political persuaisions, and they are actually quite nice people.

    I suspect that Von Hayek or Freidmann are more likely to agree with the Tea Party, though I question if Lord Keynes would have agreed with Obama (read his book, not what his disciples 80 years later claim). Note that “Mr. Market” has Graham would call seems quite alarmed at the prospect of the United States monitarizing his debts – which explains both the waivering of the stock market and the rapid decline of the dollar versus gold, yen and franc. Frankly, no serious economist favors the Obama policy of printing money on a massive scale.

    And when did the Nazis or the Stalinists ever engage in a democratic election? The Nazis won once, with a few dirty tricks, and made sure there would be none. Stalin never even flirted with a free election.

    Actually, if you compare the rhetoric of today to the early days of the republic, it’s relatively civil.

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