Pollards Urge Organizers To Drop Counterpro​ductive White House Petitions

The following was sent to YWN by the Justice4JPnews:

“The White House petition for Jonathan Pollard is counterproductive. It is not a means to seek justice for Jonathan Pollard. It acts like a lightning rod to diffuse concern and disperse it, without achieving any tangible or effective goal. It trivializes the issue and deflects public attention from the real efforts to secure Pollard’s release without further delay.

Jonathan Pollard and his close associates call upon the initiators of the latest petition to please take it down and abandon this counterproductive activity.

If this kind of petition were capable of assisting in the struggle for justice for Jonathan Pollard, the Pollards themselves would have initiated and publicized a petition.

Several online petitions for Pollard on the White House website have already been abandoned at their request. The coverage of the latest petition inaugurated by an Israeli author is creating waves in the media and thereby distracting attention, energy and effort away from the real issues at this time. It does not have the support of the Pollards, who call for it to be dropped without delay.

The public is urged to phone, fax and email American Jewish leaders to press for a date for their meeting with Vice President Biden to promote Pollard’s release. It is critical that this promised meeting, which was recently announced in the media by Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein, take place before the General Assembly of Jewish Federations on November 6th which will be attended by President Obama.

The public is invited to consult with J4JP before launching any high profile public activities on this sensitive case.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. This whole Pollard issue is diverting attention from the much more important issue of how the Administration will respond to the Palestinian petition for UN recognition and pressure on EY to resume negotiations. Yidden have a tendency to elevate every issue without prioritizing their importance in the larger scheme. We can use up our limited political capital by focusong on leniency for convicted felons like Pollard, SMR etc. or reserve our communal voice on behalf of the security of EY.

  2. Smart1: You indeed are a smart one for asking the question. The answer is as follows. It is well known that in the 70’s when many Jews were protesting the plight of the Jews in Soviet Russia, Jewish leaders insisted it was not a good idea. They claimed such protests, demonstrations, campaigns, and petitions, would have the oposite effect. Indeed, those who were able to leave confirmed every word of these great people. The same is true here as well. We are directed by the Torah to not start up with wicked people when they are “up” (first perek of Berachos). Whether it is because they will will get angry or because it is “their day”, we would be wise to follow Chazal and our Gedolim.

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