Wachsman Murderer On The Freedom List

The parents of IDF soldiers Nachshon Wachsman HY”D have been outspoken supporters of efforts to free Gilad Shalit, giving Aviva and Noam Shalit much support during the difficult years. They were among the first to congratulate the parents upon hearing of the prisoner exchange deal, but now, they have learned than among those getting a ‘get out of jail free’ card is Jihad Yamur, who murdered their son.

At home on a leave, Wachsman, a Golani soldier, was instructed by the military to attend a one-day training course in northern Israel. He left Saturday night after the Sabbath and told his parents he would return Sunday night, October 9, 1994. He was last seen by a friend who reported that, after completing the training, Wachsman had been dropped off at the Bnei Atarot Junction, a highly populated area in central Israel, where he could either catch a bus or hitchhike, a common practice by Israeli soldiers, to Jerusalem.

Israeli intelligence learned that Wachsman entered a car with Hamas militants wearing kipot, displaying seforim on the dashboard, and Chassidic music playing.

The Wachsman abduction became a world event, with Yidden around the globe lighting Shabbos candles for the soldier and listening attentively to his mother as she davened. America was involved too since the family have American citizenship.

On Friday night, October 14, 1994, a commando force stormed the home where Wachsman was being held, in Bir Naballah, on Jerusalem’s northern border. Wachsman was murdered and the commander of the Sayeret Matkal strike force, Captain Nir Poraz, fell in the line of duty. Wachsman was also tortured during his captivity, as was learned from members of the Chevra Kadisha. Nonetheless, this terrorist is among those who will be released, free to strike again.

Shin Ben Director Yoram Cohen said that “the 450 we agreed to release are a big number, but 300 are leaving the area to Gaza or abroad,” highlighting the success of the agreement, as if these terrorists will not make their way back to Gaza and eventually, to PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

When asked to comment, Mr. Yehuda Wachsman told the media “At present, all our doubts are placed aside. First let Gilad come home. Then we can see what the situation is”.

(Published on 1st Day Chol Hamoed in Eretz Yisrael)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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