STAR-K Rabbi Commends The USDA’s National Organic Standards Board’s Position On Shechita

The American Torah community had a taste of what the European Torah community has been experiencing regarding shechita (ritual slaughter) when organic shechita was jeopardized in September, 2010, a few months prior to the bi-annual meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). The Livestock Committee’s proposal had challenged the thousands of years old Torah-mandated practice, here in the States.

STAR-K Kosher Certification took it upon itself to be proactive. On November 29, STAR-K Kashrus Administrator, Rabbi Moshe Schuchman, made a presentation which enlightened the attendees of the NOSB meeting, in Savannah, Georgia, about the Torah’s humane, painless form of slaughter. The 15-member NOSB is the advisory board of the National Organic Program (NOP) that works under the auspices of the US Department of Agriculture.

“I thanked the board and encouraged them to allow shechita to be considered a humane form of slaughter acceptable for organic standards,” explains Rabbi Schuchman, who says that STAR-K was alerted to the impending problem of the threat to shechita, by prominent Washington attorney, Richard Siegel. “Mr. Siegel guided me for the past 14 months on how to deal with the issue. He used his expertise in this area solely as a service to Klal Yisroel.”

In his statement before the board, Rabbi Schuchman quoted Dr. Temple Grandin, the world famous expert on humane slaughter practices, who has long championed the practice of shechita. Interestingly, since the Livestock Committee’s proposal was made, Dr. Wendy Fulwider has taken over as chair of the Livestock Committee. Dr. Fulwider studied under, and has great admiration for, Dr. Temple Grandin. She was evidently in a position to bring her professional knowledge to bear on the ritual slaughter issue; because of her background she was able to see beyond rhetoric, which is often emotion based, and recognize the scientific facts.

Rabbi Schuchman also made the board aware of the fact that in addition to certifying food as compliant with kosher standards, STAR-K has been partnering with Quality Assurance International (QAI), for the past 3-1/2 years, to provide organic certification, as well. He explained that although kosher-organic certified meat and poultry suppliers only number a handful, today, the market has potential for dramatic growth, for there is a growing consumer base interested in kosher grass-fed, antibiotic-free meat. In addition, he informed the board that STAR-K supervised slaughterhouses in Baltimore comply with the Committee’s recommendation that, during ritual slaughter, animals should  be held in a comfortable upright position—which is not a requirement for kosher slaughter. STAR-K encourages this practice wherever kosher slaughter takes place.

“In addition to Mr. Richard Siegel, I would like to thank the Association of Kashrus Organization’s (AKO’s) Executive Director Rabbi Sholem Fishbane and Professor Joe Regenstein, of Cornell University, for the parts they played in keeping STAR-K abreast of ongoing developments affecting the legality of shechita around the world,” notes Rabbi Schuchman.

“Rabbi Schuchman did an excellent job before the NOSB, having come well prepared,” said Mr. Siegel. “One of the NOSB members, Calvin Walker, praised the “good news” that the ritual slaughter community was satisfied with the Livestock Committee’s conclusion that ritual slaughter was compatible with organic standards.”

“It was a pleasure to participate in the NOSB meeting and make a contribution to the so-far successful resolution of this issue,” concludes Rabbi Schuchman.

(Margie Pensak – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. What is the position they have on scheita? I didn’t see it in the article.

    But Kol Hakavod to the rabbi for trying to enlighten the organization.

  2. And thanks for informing us that Star-K doesn’t do shchita munachas. Now we can draw our own conclusions about whether to use it.

  3. What the Europeans are dealing with is pure bigotry. It has nothing to do with animal rights, and everything to do with racism. Remember it is coming from the same people who supported “ethnic cleansing” in the 20th century (to use the polite phrase for mass murder), and is opposed, interestingly enough, by the same groups that opposed the holocaust.

  4. Mark Levin: Yes, WE do it because it’s Torah. But we’re in galus and we have to know how to discuss what Torah commands when a non-Jewish government may have a substantial say in our ability to carry them out. With most goyim thinking in terms of “humane slaughter,” that’s what they have to hear in order to allow us to continue to do what Hashem commanded with no hurdles in our way.

  5. “In addition, he informed the board that STAR-K supervised slaughterhouses in Baltimore comply with the Committee’s recommendation that, during ritual slaughter, animals should be held in a comfortable upright position—which is not a requirement for kosher slaughter. STAR-K encourages this practice wherever kosher slaughter takes place.”

    The shach holds it is assur to do shechita right side up. Shach YD 6:8.

    Even if they don’t hold of the shach, and allow right side up, they should not be implying that those who do it the better way- upside down- are doing something wrong.

    Then they will get all indignant when some clown says they are also not being humane, because he finds some shitta which allows something they don’t allow.

  6. 6. There is NO reason to farenfir the Torah. Galus shmalus. Any shaygitz out there can give fourteen reasons till Tuesday as to how it could be made humane according to their definition of the word. They will tell you stunning is more humane but does it make it so? NO!!!

    We do it because Hashem said so. We need to know that for ourselves and to tell these r’shoyim.

  7. To #4 –
    If you read the article more carefully you will see that it only says that the Star-K slaughterhouses in BALTIMORE shecht upright. However, in other locations there is also munachas. The only thing Star-K avoids is hoisting. Furthermore, you should know that shechita for the finest of heimeshe hechsherim takes place in these same Baltimore slaughterhouses. They are top-notch operations.

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