HORROR: Orthodox Jewish Toddler Viciously Attacked By Pitt Bull In Spring Valley [VIDEO AND PHOTOS]


Authorities say a 2-year-old child suffered facial injured following a dog attack in Spring Valley on Thursday afternoon.

Sources tell YWN that the 3-year-old child was playing outside his home located at 68 N. Cole Ave with his family members at around 6:00PM, when suddenly he was viciously attacked by a Pitt Bull.

Rockland Hatzolah transported the child to the hospital with facial injuries.

The incident which can be seen in the attached video is nothing less than horror. Nothing provoked the dog to attack the child.

Neighbors tell YWN that this is not the first time this dog attacked innocent people. As can be seen in the video, a prior incident was also captured on security cameras.

Local residents are furious at authorities as they claim police were contacted about this dog in the past.

To make matters worse, police took a report at the scene and “punished” the dog by telling the owner that the dog can’t be outside for 10 days. Local residents contacted elected officials and the media. Later this evening, police arrived back at the scene and took the dog away.

Rockland Chaveirim were on the scene as well.

The story gained traction quickly – even promoting Chelsea Clinton to tweet about it:


(Charles Gross – YWN)

12 Responses

  1. I suspect this is more a case of incompetence and negligence rather than deliberate apathy by the police or authorities towards yidden. We need to be careful about screaming anti-Semitism when people simply fail to exercise common sense.

  2. Dog should be euthanized and the owner should be fined big time, especially if the dog was known to attack people before. The owner must be held responsible for not containing his dog properly.

  3. First, the child should have a refuah shleimah.
    Second, thank you for labelling the video as graphic, I’m not going to watch it. Please hide and label the pictures also. Reading the article is horrific enough.

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