A Defeated Livni Stands Proud Against Chareidim

Former Kadima leader MK Tzipi Livni took the only face-saving step that remained in her rapidly waning political career, submitting her resignation from Knesset to Speaker Reuven Rivlin today.

A defeated Livni failed to form a government following the resignation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and despite emerging the winner of the popular vote in the last general election she failed a second time to arrange a coalition, having to bow out and hand over the leadership slot to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The final blow came last month when she lost the primary race to Shaul Mofaz, who now heads her Kadima party and is the official leader of the opposition in Knesset.

In her farewell address, Livni took advantage of the opportunity to blame the chareidim for her woes, as has become her norm. She explained that unlike others in the political arena and the coalition, she is paying a heavy price because she simply refused to give into the chareidim.

“…I refused to sell out country to chareidim in order to create a government”, hinting to her failed attempts to bring chareidi parties on board when she tried assembling a coalition.

In truth, even this has already been disproven as it has been documented Livni was willing to allocate funds to avreichim but when she failed in bringing Shas and Yahadut HaTorah onboard, she continued to blame all that is wrong with the country on the chareidi tzibur.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Pay attention to what Livni says for she speaks true to her credo as a Jewish nationalist that her worst adversary in the world is not Hamas, Fatah, Iran, Syria, etc but rather the plain old run of the mill religious Jew.

  2. I agree that in Eretz Yisroel the Charedi Tzibur has always been a spring board for all politicians trying gain fame, and votes. Even Netanyahu is doing it now. Vowing to do away with the yeshiva deferrel and draft the Yeshiva students into the army.
    But I do think that Livni has been from the very few politicians that stand for their principles. She did not waver when pressed by the Charedi partys. I know the result was negative for the Charedim, but at least it was known where you stood with her. She was not a phony like Netanyahu who promised the Charedim and did not deliver on most of his promises. And also Livni is misorati, and not a secular ignorant person. She always used to say the Charedim do not own Yidishkeit. She wanted more connection to Yidishkeit, but was sort of pushed away with the extremists and their non accepting views.

  3. The entire Knesset coalition & voting system reeks. There is no unified front with all these little parties cutting up the pie and the country into little pieces.
    Go for constutition. Vote for representatives who are there to benefit its voters. Not just nonsense parties & MKs who have little power of there own (that is the reason that Deri is uninterested in placement #3, since #1 is the guy in charge).

  4. sell out the country to charadem? why can’t she work with us? are we lower than the arabs? it is not for nothing that she left her party in disgrace; it is because she can’t work with people and we charadim are people.

  5. he following story seems fanciful districts client, but it is absolutely true. I hasten to say that I am not one of those who love to make ‘water bills. In addition, as Tzipi Livni, who knows, I know very well that it is not against the ultra-Orthodox, nor against the Torah scholars. Worldview is not much different outlook Likudnik is. The settlers more of us, sympathize and will even help. But the rest of the cap-wearing public has trouble understanding. And yet, apparently on the advice of counsel, to said back and say what other politicians Mbliaim between the lines. She gave prominence to what others say whitewashing. Even that is such a direct, overt or concealed, and that the consultants thought that’s how she grows up. the following story a number of journalist Paul Schiff, a former journalist with the viewer, and now publisher and editor of the virtual ‘secret Sheikh: A few months ago, When Zippy began to “beat Yeshiva in all kinds of statements and targeted way,” called him Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Adas, and asked him to call by name the chairman Haofzitzih Tzipi Livni and warn her to stop attacking the yeshiva students, and if not, it will bring downfall. “Tell her that the reason she came to politics, it’s because her father, Eitan Livni, have an effect, do good to one of the meeting and responded to a request on important business, “asked Rabbi Adas. Schiff Ask the Rabbi Adas what was – and he replied that it was a matter of tithes in the wholesale market, and that because of MK Eitan Livni, the matter is resolved. “But if she continues it, hit the yeshiva world – it will fall”. “I called her brother that I know him and asked him her phone,” says Schiff. “He gave me immediately. I called her and told her: ‘I speak to you in the name of Rabbi Yaakov accepted ADAS justified. He asked me to tell you you’d stop to hurt the yeshiva world, because it only hurt you. And I told her the matter with her ​​father, what he told me. “She told me she has nothing against the Orthodox, but insisted that they must bear the burden, like everyone else, and that it will only benefit. It listed my worldview. it was too long , and asked her to write me things by email, and I gave her my email so I can read things Herb Ades. “She did not write to me and in any case going about her – and the rest is history ….” According to the rabbi, the fact that people soared to about politics lies by rights she had: Her father, Eitan Livni, have an effect, once did a big favor to one of the meeting and responded to a request about anything (related to tithes in the wholesale market, not go into details. SR). So, as mentioned, water bills We were not done, but we brought nothing here as say, the rabbi’s words and the words of the Apostl


  6. #5, What on earth? What language is that? It’s certainly not English. I can’t make head or tail out of it. What is “fanciful districts client” supposed to mean, and what is a “water bill”? I couldn’t get much further than that.

  7. OK, I found the Hebrew story. Evidently some insane person just ran it through Google Translate and thought it was a good idea to post the resulting gibberish.

    The story is that months ago, when Livni started attacking the yeshivos, the mekubal R Yaacov Edes contacted the journalist Shaul Shiff, who knows Livni’s brother, and asked him to warn Livni that if she didn’t stop attacking the yeshivah people it would bring about her downfall. He was to tell her that the reason she rose in politics is because her father, Etan Livni did a favour for one of the Roshei Yeshivos, and fulfilled his request on an important matter to do with taking terumot umaasrot at the wholesale market. Shiff called Livni and passed on the warning and the story about her father, but she did not heed the warning, and now we see what happened.

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