Yerushalayim: Yeshiva Heavily Damaged in Blaze

A major fire occurred in Yeshivas Maoz Chayil in Jerusalem’s Bayit Vegan neighborhood on shabbos. The blaze was discovered at about 01:00 Friday night to shabbos morning in the structure located on HaPisga Street. The fire was attributed to an explosion in a main electrical box. Neighbors reported hearing “a loud explosion”.

The yeshiva’s dormitory was spared, apparently due to the fireproof door installed at the entrance. Serious damage was reported to the yeshiva and stairwells of the yeshiva. Baruch Hashem, the sifrei torah and most of the seforim escaped unharmed. A number of pairs of tefillin in proximity of the electric box were destroyed in the blaze.

It was an off shabbos so the talmidim were no present. The Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aaron Frank was scheduled to leave for the United States on Sunday, but he has canceled the flight as a result of the blaze.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Amazing Yeshiva. Rav Aharon Frank is an amazing mechanech. Brilliant in learning, but even more so in his care and understanding of every single bachur. A Chevroner talmid, this yeshiva was started by Rav Chaim Sarna, and was located in the Chevron Geulah building for six years.
    We should all try to help this beatiful wholesome Yeshiva survive this tradgedy, and successfully rebuild itself, so that the amazing staff can continue its avodas hakodesh.

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