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WATCH THIS: CNN’s Don Lemon Unloads On ‘Unhinged’ Trump After Phoenix Speech

“Well, what do you say to that?” the CNN host began, immediately after the speech concluded.

“I’m just going to speak from the heart here. What we witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts.”

Stating that Trump had “lied directly to the American people,” and attempted to “rewire history” around his Charlottesville response, Lemon pulled no punches with his observation of the speech.

“He’s unhinged,” Lemon declared. “It’s embarrassing and I don’t mean for us the media because he went after us, but for the country.”

And he was not done.

“His speech was without thought, without reason, devoid of facts, devoid of wisdom,” he exclaimed. “There was no gravitas, no sanity. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it. I didn’t do it.”

He went on to state that an American viewing the speech had to “wonder what in the world is going on.”

8 Responses

  1. I don’t agree with some of what Lemon said but even a number of Republicans are now openly questioning the Trumpkopfs mental and emotional stability. In many cases he seems to be unable to control his impulsive need to strike out at “enemies’ perceived and real. When he said last week there were some “fine people” among the Virginia demonstrators I don’t think he meant “fine Nazis” but simply that some were truly committed to protecting Civil War era monuments etc. However, his seeming fixation with going after anyone and everyone who slights him is not normal and leads to these comments of him being “unhinged”. Last night he kept saying CNN and the other networks were “shutting off their cameras” while all along they kept covering his speech was just another example of him lying about the reality you are seeing and hearing….he just cannot help himself and repeats these untruths even after his own people have corrected him

  2. Actually as composed as lemonade tried being he seemed completely unhinged to me. No rational, just blind seething petty hatred from a man he despises but the crowd clearly loved.

  3. I get the feeling that the CNN speech by this host was already written before Trump even started his speech. Just a feeling. I am not ordinarily interested in these Trump speeches, never have been, but this has now prompted be to find it and hear it for myself.

  4. I have tried to find a word of reason and sanity in the rantings of this lemon guy. Alas, I have a perfect failure record to report. It seems that he never, ever addresses the facts, or makes any effort to understand another position. He has his own PC agenda, and will never acknowledge that there may be another way to see things. He, among other clowns that report for CNN, are disgraceful mouthpieces for the Left. He is not even articulate. Perhaps fluent, but so are most children at some point in their development.

    Clown News Network should replace these idiots with pundits that are at least able to relate to something in a logically sound manner. Lemon is a sheer disgrace.

  5. Trump is nothing but a demonstrable liar, a degenerate, incompetent and unfit to hold any government office, much less the presidency.

  6. rt, what are your credentials to criticize the president at every opportunity? What makes you competent or fit to pass these judgement?

  7. Trump is NUTS!!!
    His personal midos and character are subhuman.This is a much more serious flaw than his stale ideas or racist tendencies.

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