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US State Dept Concerned By Europe’s Attitude To Hezbollah

The White House invigorated the international row over Lebanese Hezbollah’s links to terrorism last week as US Treasury and State Department officials accused the group of working in league with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to train and advise Syrian government forces.

The US has become increasingly concerned about the European Union’s reluctance to challenge Hezbollah, after member states rejected Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s calls for it to be put on the EU list of terror group at a meeting with EU member states in Brussels last month, a few days after the bombing of a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Bulgarie that left 5 Israelis dead.

America itself has designated Hezbollah as a Global Terrorist organisation since 1995, in response to continued attacks by the group on American citizens and institutions in Lebanon throughout the 1980s.


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