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Rav Grossman Shlita Visits Yaakov Yosef in Prison

Migdal Ha’emek Chief Rabbi Yisrael Dovid Grossman Shlita visited the last bachur released last week by Japanese authorities, to complete his prison term in Israel.

Escorted by Israel Police, the young prisoner arrived last week and has since been placed in the Torah Wing of Nitzan Prison, where he will be in a frum environment, permitted to complete his sentence while davening, learning and eating kosher food.

The rav met with other prisoners in the Torah Wing, speaking with each one privately, seeking to give them chizuk ahead of Rosh Hashanah.

Rabbonim during Elul visit the Torah Wing and give shiurim for the benefit of prisoners.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Boruch hashem that he is out of japan and in a more friendly environment. But he can still use allot of chizuk now and when he will be released iy”h.

  2. “…he will be in a frum environment, permitted to complete his sentence while davening, learning and eating kosher food…the Torah Wing… and give shiurim for the benefit of prisoners.”

    Wow! How do I apply and is it hard to get in? But in fact, I think it’s a chillul Hashem that a prison has a “Torah Wing”; whether it’s in Israel or in the USA.

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