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Tefilla Tinokos Shel Beis Raban in Beersheva

600 children participated in a tinokos shel beis raban tefilla event that was hosted in Beersheva last week. The event was held in the Heichal HaTarbut, organized by the מבראשית and בית מוריה organizations, davening for the well-being of the sick, a season of abundant rainfall, and the security of the nation. Directing the event were Rav Chaim Druckman Shlita and Rav Shimon Cohen Shlita. Rav Druckman added the tefilos were also for the welfare of the residents of southern Israel, who live with the daily peril of rocket attacks from Gaza.

In the shadow of growing security concerns surrounding the Iranian situation the decision was made to gather the children for the tefilla event, which was aired on the Moreshet Channel of Israel Radio.

The evening began with parents and their children learning the weekly מבראשית Torah sheet, followed by the tefilla of the children and the parents.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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