Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett announced on Monday, 25 Sivan 5773 that party MK Ayelet Shaked will lead the committee dealing with the Peri Committee Share the Burden Law to draft chareidim. Most believe that the committee will amend the bill towards eliminating clauses calling for criminal sanctions against bnei yeshivos failing to report for the draft. This will most likely lead to a coalition crisis with Yesh Atid, which stated the criminal sanctions are a must and non-negotiable.
Bennett used a media event to explain a new atmosphere exists between his party and chareidim and there must be dialogue for the nation cannot compel chareidim to serve in the IDF against their will. Bennett announced that his party believes the chareidim must accept new realities, but these realties, pertaining to both the IDF and entering the workplace cannot be forced upon them, rather accepted by mutual agreement.
Bennett’s statements signal a change in policy and possibly a fracture in the bond that exists between his party and Yesh Atid.
Bayit Yehudi’s MK Shuli Moalem-Refaeli spoke with Kol Berama Radio on Tuesday morning 26 Sivan 5773; explaining chareidim wishing to continue learning cannot be forced into the IDF. However, while they may continue with their limud Torah she explained, they will no longer receive state funding as is the case today.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
9 Responses
Chiloni draft dodgers, by and large, are NOT arrested.
If Israeli Arabs are exempt from IDF so must Israeli Chareidim be exempt.
No discrimination in a democracy. Both are citizens. And both object to the State.
Bennett is probably getting a lot of negative feedback from his party, not only for being anti-yeshiva, but also for breaking an alliance with the hareidim that could lead to the hareidim becoming “natural allies” of parties that share support for the welfare state, and might be willing to oppose conscription, but also would not support expansion of the settlements. Giving up the settlements in order to close down the leading yeshivos is a “lose lose” situation for Bennett.
What is doing with kruman from Beit Shemesh? Has his ego allowed him to be quiet for 24 hrs? Is it possible? Follow Daas! (obviously the only daas is daas Torah)
Al Tischaber La’rasha
Are you equating charedim with Arabs?
Comment #2 For your information Hesder chayalim serve for 5 years…60 months. My grandson is a Hesder chayal and he learns and serves proudly.
I never want to see an arab in the IDF..They must do Sherut Leumi within their communities.
You are also wrong about chiloni draft dodgers…they are and will continue to be arrested and loose all benefits to attend university.
proud Safta
#2. To call Hesder Yeshiva students “1/2 religious” is pretty disgusting. I guarantee they are more religious than you and far more serious about it. They are not the phony Frum. Come see for yourself. You’ll be in for a big shock.
On the Arab issue, you are correct and should have left it at that and not be derogatory against Frum Jews. Arabs can also build where they chose. In many ways, they have more rights than do Jews.
I still want to understand why is it only charedim who have the responsibility of “sharing the equal burden” and the only ones who will no longer receive state funding, while Arab citizens are not forced to be drafted and yet will not lose from their state funding and neither will the secular draft dodgers (about 70% from Tel Aviv)?
And secondly, if the burden has to be shared “equally”, why Hesder Yeshiva for 16 months only while charedim for 3 years? Is it because they’re 1/2 religious like Bennett who lives with a secular wife? BTW YW, you forgot to put him on his kipa.
This bias against charedim has to be fought full force.
Durn nice of him.
As was stated awhile ago,
Bennet and Yesh Atid are trying to play bad cop/good cop