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Growing Showdown Between Belz & HaMevaser Newspaper

mevThe dispute surrounding the municipal elections in Beit Shemesh seems to be gaining momentum and a second election or court intervention regarding the outcome of the race are distinct possibilities.

The machlokes however is not limited to the non-chareidim against the chareidim, as there is the dispute between Belz and the daily HaMevaser, which is affiliated with the Shlomei Emunim faction as well.

According to askanim from the Belz court, Shlomei Emunim officials tried pushing the Belz representative on the city council list down to an unrealistic spot and this is why Belz ran independently (כח) against Agudas Yisrael in the election. The anger is directed at a column in HaMevaser from about two weeks ago in which Belz is accused of separating itself from the tzibur and only concerning itself with its own needs. It spoke of how Belz took over a community center which was intended to serve many others in the area too.

This resulted in Belz’s response last erev Shabbos in the Machane HaChareidi, attacking the owner of the newspaper and his family, accusing them of only worrying about their powerbase. Belz is also running something in this erev Shabbos’ Machzikei Hadas, Shabbos Parshas Toldos 5774.

In Belz, there are many who have opted to cancel their subscription to HaMevaser, adding it is unfortunate that HaMevaser decided to go head-to-head with the largest chassidus in Eretz Yisrael, which happens to have been among the first to recognize HaMevaser when it was launched. Belz simchos will no longer be advertised in HaMevaser, but they will appear in Hamodia exclusively. Belz is confident its economic boycott of the newspaper will have an impact on placing HaMevaser back in its place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. “Belz ran independently (כח) against Agudas Yisrael ”

    Get your facts straight, please. Speak to ANYONE in bet shemesh and they will tell you that Belz was with Agudah. Porush was כח

  2. If you are going to “report” on every machlokes and try to turn it into news, at least get your facts straight. This article is beyond confusing and inaccurate.

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