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Jerusalem: Secular Residents Protest New Yeshiva

daven.jpgSecular residents of the Tzemeret HaBira neighborhood of Yerushalayim near French Hill are protesting a new yeshiva in their area. They have turned to City Hall to order the closure of the yeshiva located on HaChil ( החי”ל) Street.

The residents are bothered by the yeshiva which has set up in an apartment. They explain “dozens of talmidim are in and out at all hours” and they are a nuisance to the tenants of the building. Papa Allalu, who heads the Meretz faction in the city, is leading the battle, explaining the presence of the students results in a compromised quality of life for residents.

“We are not talking about Kiryat Yovel or Gilo, but Tzemeret HaBira, which all agree is pluralistic” state Allalu. “To the best of my knowledge no request to accommodate the yeshiva in a residential apartment was received. An inspector sent to the location stated he did not find any irregularities but I continue to receive complaints from residents of being disturbed by the students. I want the illegal yeshiva ousted immediately” Allalu concluded.

Askanim involved in the matter are accusing Allalu and others of religious persecution, adding the apartment is used for a few talmidim to study. “It is hard to understand what bothers them other than seeing some chareidim walking the streets” BaKehilla quotes askanim as saying.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. French Hill is being invaded by ARABS and causing living problems there, thank gd a YESHIVA is now being established, this will help the community retain its Jewish character.

  2. If the area is so “pluralistic”, shouldn’t they welcome all kinds, including yeshivaleit? (In other words, I sense a bit of hypocrisy.)

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