VIDEO: Kanye West on Obama’s Failures: ‘Black People Don’t Have the Same Connections as Jewish People’

Kanye-WestJewish people have more power than the President? According to Multi Millionaire Rapper Kanye West, they actually  do.

Rapper Kanye West told 105.1 FM radio in New York City earlier this week that it’s because “Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people”

He blames the presidents inability to improve the overall economy and pass successful legislations on the fact that “Mr Obama does not have the right connections”.

The following is a transcript from Mr. West’s rant:

“Man, let me tell you something about George Bush and oil money and Obama and no money. People want to say Obama can’t make these moves or he’s not executing. That’s because he ain’t got those connections. Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people. Black people don’t have the same connection as oil people. You know we don’t know nobody that got a nice house. You know we don’t know nobody with paper like that we can go to when we down. You know they can just put us back or put us in a corporation. You know we ain’t in situation. Can you guarantee that your daughter can get a job at this radio station? But if you own this radio station, you could guarantee that. That’s what I’m talking about.”

After a brief search on how Mr. West  uses his wealth and power to help other less unfortunate people , YWN has learned that after spending  more than a half-million dollars in 2010 on expenses,  none of that money went to actual charitable causes according to the daily.

Mr. West laments ”You know we don’t know nobody that got a nice house'” Reports state that Mr. West made a whopping 80 million dollars in 2012.  Also reported is a  vacation house  purcahsed at $11 million.  His engagement ring that he bought his wife is valued at $8 million.

West also attacks George W. Bush’s oil money. As for George W. Bush, his net worth is estimated to be $35 million. West’s is $100 million.

(YWN – Studio B)



20 Responses

  1. His opinion is irrelevant and his name and picture don’t belong on this site. Do we really have to react to every anti semitic fool who says something publicly? This guy is a low life his opinion is meaningless.

  2. He is what he is.
    But it’s scary to me, even being an American born Jewess, who was born well after WWII.
    From all I’ve learned and read, he sounds like Hitler, Yimach Shmo v’zichro and the anti-semites of that time. I can only imagine how any survivors must feel.
    His stance is ridiculous, he infers that Bush was in some way Jewish, which we know is false. And neither wealthy Jews or Bush do so little with their wealth other than self indulgence of this man. But we must watch out and do Teshuvah and Daven, the calls of the past echo in my ears.

  3. He makes very good points though. He says that Jews are good to each other and he also states that blacks don’t help each other out much- his point proven is that he doesn’t

  4. From Wikpedia: West (alongside his mother) founded the “Kanye West Foundation” in Chicago in 2003, tasked with a mission to battle dropout and illiteracy rates, while partnering with community organizations to provide underprivileged youth access to music education.[112] In 2007, the West and the Foundation partnered with Strong American Schools as part of their “Ed in ’08” campaign. As spokesman for the campaign, West appeared in a series of PSAs for the organization, and hosted an inaugural benefit concert in August of that year.
    In 2008, following the death of West’s mother, the foundation was rechristened “The Dr. Donda West Foundation.” The foundation ceased operations in 2011.
    West has additionally appeared and participated in many fundraisers, benefit concerts, and has done community work for Hurricane Katrina relief, the Kanye West Foundation, the Millions More Movement, 100 Black Men of America, a Live Earth concert benefit, World Water Day rally and march, Nike runs, and a MTV special helping young Iraq War veterans who struggle through debt and PTSD a second chance after returning home.

  5. Barack Obama called West a bad name a while back. I would hope that even the Obamahater here will agree with the President on this one!

  6. Is he referring to the first presidential candidate to spend over a billion dollars on his campaign? Imagine what he could do if he had connections.

  7. “That’s because he ain’t got those connections.”

    like louis farakhan, Reverend Al Sharpton, and KAYNE WEST, how about Michael Jordan, the whole hollywood (I can keep on going on)

    However, basically he’s saying Jews help each other out (chessed) unlike the blacks

  8. If we accept what he says as true and – whether or not it is fair – the fact is that a Jew or someone with oil connections are more capable of getting things done in Washington, then by that logic it just stands to reason that someone of that background would make for a more effective president.

  9. Wow!! Look who is talking!!

    Nobody in the world has greater power than the leader (be it president or prime minister) of his/her country.

    Now that we have Obama as president of the USA, elected by a massive vote, how many blacks are better off than they were when Bush was president? He does not need to have one drop of Jewish blood for connections, or for fundraising either.

    As long as black politicians, black artists and black preachers will play the blame game, the future for these people looks extremely bleak.

    The ones who benefit the most from school vouchers; charter schools; stop and frisk, etc. are poor blacks, but while they struggle, the black ‘elite’ move out of the neighborhood, send their children to very expensive private schools, and do NOTHING to help those less fortunate than them.

    Believe me they would wish to have Jewish blood in them, so that they would benefit from the generosity and altruism that has always been integral to us Yidden even in the worst of times.

    Obama has the connections. He just doesn’t have the heart!

  10. “black people don’t have the same connections as Jews” Let’s look at the hidden message, Hashem is sending us. Yes he is right, they DON’T have “, Hashem Avinu She’Ba Shamayim” as their connection.

  11. Paula Deen said implied something deragatory about black people many years ago but it ruined her career this year. This guy rants about jews and somehow he’s still in business?! Where’s the outcry CNN? Oh, because it’s against Jews and not blacks? Ah, I see…

  12. A Quote from Kanye West:

    “Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and self absorbed. I am not a fan of books. i would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books.”

  13. All he is doing is making excuses for an incompetent President. How different is that from some of the posters in this forum who make excuses for bad behavior of people in their group?

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