A Modern Day “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” Against a Remarkable Yeshiva

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

This article is about a horrible incident that is occurring in our Torah community that must be stopped immediately.  It is Lashon Hara, rechilus, and Motzai Shem Rah about a remarkable Yeshiva.  But first, a quick introduction.

There is a remarkable Kollel that has impacted the Torah community of Five Towns and Far Rockaway and, indeed, the greater New York area in remarkable ways.  This Kollel has produced yungeleit that have produced one of the leading Yeshiva high schools in the nation.  Parents rave about what this Yeshiva has done for their children and leading Gedolim across the country have sung its praises.

Its yungeleit have gone on to take positions as Rabbonim in local communities and the Baalei Batim have grown immensely from these yungeleit. The yungeleit have taught shiurim in the community from Daf Yomi shiurim to in-depth sgiurim on the Yomim Tovim and the entire community has benefited from them.  Graduates of the Kollel have become the leading experts in Eruvin, and communities from Kew Gardens to the Five Towns and elsewhere have mehadrim level eiruvim because of these yungeleit.  The Kollel is called Kollel Avreichim, and it is led under the capable leadership of Rav Leibel Rand shlita, a talmid of Rav Shneur Kotler from Lakewood.

One of the most capable of these yungeleit has started a Kiruv program and Yeshiva program in Long Island that has taken intelligent young men from a Sefardiic community and has helped shaped and molded them into fine Bnei Torah – Bnei Torah that the entire Torah world would be proud of.  He has introduced these young men into the beautiful heritage of the Mesorah of Klal Yisroel.

His name is Rabbi Eitan Rubin and his Yeshiva is called Siach Chaim.  There is no doubt that his portion lies with the meyasdim of Sinai Academy, the AIsh HaTorah and Ohr Sameach movements, and numerous other institutions that have brought about a sea-change in the Torah landscape.  Reb Eitan Rubin, and his wife, from a wonderful Persian family, has made an extraordinary difference in the Torah community of Great Neck.

Unfortunately, there are some well-meaning people who have misread the situation entirely and have accused Rabbi Rubin of heading a cult.  Furthermore, there is a list of entirely false allegations that reads without exaggeration like the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Rav Eitan Rubin is an eidel tzaddik and talmid chochom who lives for Klal Yisroel.  He is an anav and everyone who knows him knows him to be an anav.

Dr. Pelcovitz has also looked into this and has dismissed the allegations against Rabbi Rubin after investigating them.

This author has hosted students of Rabbi Rubin and note that they represent the highest ideals of success in terms of Harbatzas Torah.  True, there are some parents who are unhappy that their children are now pursuing the path of Torah growth, but as any student of the history of the Yeshiva movement knows, Rav Aharon Kotler’s own family members felt that Rav Aharon should have pursued an education at the Sorbonne – rather than at Slabodka.  Imagine what the world would be like without the Slabodka Yeshiva and her students.

The Persian community here in the United States has flourished precisely because the Yeshivos have taken in many from the Persian community in the seventies and eighties.  The Persian communities are richer for it.

Rav Eitan Rubin did not, chalilah make up his own Mesorah.  I can personally attest to the fact that he seeks Torah guidance from leading Torah personalities in all that he does.  To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.

It is a regular, normal and wholesome Yeshiva.  Anyone who has met the bochurim know this very well.

There is a letter that is being distributed from a Rabbi who has clearly not investigated this situation at all and claims that Rabbi Eitan Rubin is a cult leader.

Allegations have been made that Rabbi Rubin makes everyone sign a contract that states that if there is ever a dispute between the Yeshiva and the students’ parents, the student is legally compelled to choose the Yeshiva.  This is entirely false.  One questions who could have made this up.  It is clear that this was designed to paint Rabbi Rubin as a sinister individual.  Anyone that knows him would laugh at this, were it not for the fact that it is so damaging.

Below we find letters of support in alphabetical order from Rav Mordechai Dick, Rav Chaim Flohr,  Rav Yoseph Mermelstein, Both Novaminsker Rebbes, Rav Leibel Rand, Rav Beryl Shachar, Rav Yehudah Svei, and Rav Yaakov Skoczylas, among others.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


הנה מילתא דעבידא לגילויי הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים דגרייט נעק לאנג איילענד יכב”ץ וחבר לומדי הכולל דשם והקהילה הקדושה החוסים בצילה הי”ו בראשות האי גאון וצדיק איש מופת הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א אשר חפץ ד’ בידו הצליח להוציא יקר מזולל ולהעמיד תלמידים הרבה אשר עז חפצם וכל ישעם בתורה ולומדים בהתמדה ומתעלים במסילה הסלולה ע”י רבותינו נ”ע מוסדי דור ודור בהבנה וידיעה וכל רואיהם יעיד עליהם כי הם זרע ברך ביראת ד’ ושמחת לימוד התורה וקיומה וקהילתם מיוחדת באורחות חיים ע”פ צניעות וקדושה מופתית ובונים בתים נאמנים ואיתנים עדים לגאון ותפארת לד’ ותורתו וכ”ז באמצעות מסירות נפש ממש כמובן והנכנס במחיצות מקדש מעט הזה מתרשם מהשראת קדושת התורה השורה בו ומרנין לב לחזות הוספת איזור זה בגבולי הקדושה


ומי לד’ אליהם לחזקם ולהתאמץ בכל כוחו להקים דברי התורה הזאת שלא תהי’ ח”ו נופלת ואדרבה לתמכם שיפריחו ויוסיפו פעלים לתורה ותעודה ונאמנים דבריו שיתברכו בכל הברכות שניבאו הנביאים למחזיקי תורה ורב חלקם ביעוד גם כי יתנו עתה אקבצם בב”א

מחכה לעוזר הדל ומגביה השפל,

ברוך יהודה הכהן ראנד

ראש הכולל פאר ראקאוויי לארענץ

כיהודא ועוד לקרא במכירי קאמינא הן הבחורי חמד הן האברכים היקרים והן הראש ישיבה הגה”צ איתן ירמי’ רובין שליט”א

יעקב דוב שחר

ר”מ דישיבת עדיסאן


דבר שפתים אך למחסור להוסיף על דברי הרבנים הגאונים, ה”ה הג”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א והג”ר לייבל ראנד שליט”א, והסומך עליהם יהא נכון לבו ובטוח כי הולך בדרך יושר ואמת, ודבריהם א”צ חיזוק כידוע ומפורסם לכל . אשרי חלקם של הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים וראש הישיבה הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א אשר הן הן עדיו ואשרי המזדרז לבא לעזרת ה’ בגבורים לתמוך ולחזק ידי הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים.

הכו”ח לכבוד התורה רבניה ולומדיה,

מרדכי דיק                                           יהודה שוויי

ראש ישיבת היכל התורה                    ראש ישיבת פילאדעלפיא




מצטריפנא לדברי ידידי הגר”מ דיק שליט”א אשר לכבוד ולתפארת היא להישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים ולהעומד בראשה שליט”א אשר הגאונים מוה”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א ומוה”ר ברוך יהודה הכהן ראנד שליט”א מעידין עליהם וראויין המה לסמוך עליהם בתום וביושר, ובפרט אשר כמה מרבני הישיבה ביודעיי ובמכירי קאמינא אשר המה תלמידי חכמים יקרים ומאד נעלים.

אלטר ישראל שמעון פרלוב

אדמו”ר מנאוואמינסק שליט”א


אני מכיר את הנהלת הישיבה, ואחד מהם הוא תלמידי, ונאמנים עלי דברי ידידי הג”ר לייב ראנד, והג”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א, ואין כל ספק שיכולים לסמוך עליהם.

החותם למען כבוד התורה,

יוסף אלכסנדר הלוי מערמעלשטיין

ראש ישיבת נאוואמינסק



שמעתי מפי חתני ה”ה הרב יצחק אייזיק קרעש שליט”א ראש הכולל דישיבה שיח חיים בגרעיט נעק, את אשר הפליא לעשות ראש הישיבה הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א בהעמדת תלמידים השוקדים על התורה ויראתם קודמת לחכמתם, והכל על טהרת הקודש על משכנות הרועים בדרך ישראל סבא, ובודאי כי הדבקים בה’ המחזיקים בידם יזכו לברכת עליון עץ חיים למחזיקיה ותומכיה מאושר,


חיים אברהם דובער פלאהר

ראש כולל זכרון מנחם

גם אני אצטרף לדברי הרבנים הגאונים שליט”א המעידים על טוב טעמה של הישיבה הק’ שיח חיים שכבר יצא מכותלי’ בחורים ואברכים יראי ה’ וחושבי שמו הלנים באהלה של תורה ובודאי למצוה גדולה יחשב כל הבא בעזרתה.

וע”ז באעה”ח

יהושע העשיל פרלוב

אדמו”ר מנאוואמינסק שליט”א

39 Responses

  1. I live in Far Rockaway. I know Rav Eitan Rubin and have visited his Yeshiva and seen its beauty in action. Ashrei Ayin raasa Zos. I know many of the Bochurim and Yingelyte who learn there and they are from the Crown Jewels of the Olam Hatorah.
    The Yeshiva is a beautiful makom Torah and is producing beautiful Bnei Torah. As a mechaneich who has investigated the yeshiva thoroughly (for the purpose of placing one of my talmidim) I can attest that Halevai there should be many more such Yeshivos. Citadels of light and ehrlichkeit and Hashkafas Hatorah and Chaim Shel Derech Eretz. Ashrei Rav Rubin who has been Maamad Tlmidom Harbei!!

    There are those that will say that where there is smoke there is fire. That if accusations are being made, there must be some basis to those accusations. Though an anonymous comment isn’t really the place I must say this here. As per the results of my personal, laborious research , it seems to me that there are unfortunately individuals who for various reasons (without getting into details) seem to harbor antipathy to one who learns with boys who were on one path in life and helps them on their quest to choose a different path and become Bnei Torah For Life. A smear campaign may result….

    השומר פירצות בישראל הוא יגדור את הפירצה הזאת, ויציל העשוק משפת שקר ומלון רמייה

  2. An UNBELIEVABLE Yeshiva! Anyone who has step foot in the building, who has met the bohurim, the yungeleit, or the families can attest to the incredible quality of the Yeshiva and the Rosh Yeshiva.

    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for taking the time to publicize this story!

    The negligent loshon hora involved is reminiscent of the extreme examples in the Sefer Chofetz Chaim. The likes of which you don’t expect to happen in real life.

  3. Kudos to Rabbi Hoffman for giving voice to the real victims: Rabbi Rubin and the beautiful yeshiva community.
    As a member of the silent majority, who unlike the very vocal minority, know the Yeshiva and it’s Rabbanim, and have been witness to what is clearly—to quote Rabbi Lopiansky shlita —”a modern day lynching”, I am grateful to finally have the truth represented. Hopefully this helps brings peace to the families who will no longer be able to pin their issues on easy scapegoats.

  4. The boys are true mevakshim. That being said, the institution definitely has its issues. I would we happy to elaborate if YWN gives me the opportunity.

  5. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rubin are a remarkable couple who live and breathe chinuch and torah. They are the most kind and Erlich people and the furthest thing from cult leaders ! Everyone who attacked Rabbi Rubin must ask mechila.

  6. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for doing your research and for publicizing the perverse injustice that is being done.

    I know Rabbi Rubin and his family and they are humble, selfless, and caring.
    The allegations that are being spread could not be further from the truth.
    Only those who have never met them or seen the yeshiva could spread such falsehood.

    The community that they have built is full of men and women who strive to be emesdik ovdei HaShem, and serves as a true example of what a toradik community should look like.
    I have no doubt that their reward in shamayim is only being magnified by the pain that they have had to endure at the hands of slanderers.

    I hope that when my sons come of age they will be zoche to attend such a stellar yeshiva with a Rosh Yeshiva of this caliber at its helm.

    Unfortunately, negativity spreads more quickly than positivity does. And the Lashon Hara of a few people had the potential to do a lot of damage- so, Rabbi Hoffman, May HaShem spread your message and may the innocent and upstanding tzaddikim and tzidkanios of this yeshiva/community be spared from further Lashon Hara. And may HaShem allow them to continue creating a beautiful Makom Torah.

  7. Lev tahor was a great place till ppl started to dig into it

  8. 1. Regarding Rav Ahron Kotler, it was only his sister; not other “family”.

    2. “Cult” is an ambiguous term that can be thrown out against anyone unfairly, since the term has no fixed meaning.

  9. Dear Mr. Chazer,
    How I wish you would chew your own cud, and rethink your comments. The article is open and transparent, and includes all the names of the Rabbanim supporting the Yeshiva. Please do yourself and all of us a favor and call them up and educate yourself.
    Bezras Hashem with the coming of Mashiach you too will become kosher!

  10. Dear Mr. pigs feet (love the name by the way, it seems to really characterize you)

    You clearly seem to have some strange and unexplainable personal vendetta against the yeshiva (perhaps you’re being controlled by someone who is forcing you to sign your name on your comments…)

    Last I checked following daas Torah is not considered a cult. In fact, you should try it.

    You tried to take down a pure makom Torah. You fought against HaShem, and you failed. Fortunately for you- no one is blasting your name and spreading horrific and ridiculous rumors about you or your family so just accept defeat, acknowledge that your own failures are being thrown onto others, and sit down.

    Instead of wasting your time trying to spread your unsubstantiated rumors, you should be preparing yourself for your upcoming Yom hadin (which I do not envy in the least).

    If you are still unhappy with this article, please let me put you in touch with my sister who LIVES THERE. She would love to welcome you into the cult and serve you some Kool-Aid.

  11. Why should any torah-true Jew form an opinion by himself? We look towards our gedolim to tell us what is right. The rabonim listed above- Rav Mordechai Dick, Rav Chaim Flohr, Rav Yoseph Mermelstein, Both Novaminsker Rebbes, Rav Leibel Rand, Rav Beryl Shachar, Rav Yehudah Svei, and Rav Yaakov Skoczylas- have looked into the yeshiva and obviously found the kibud av v’eim there to be in order. Why are you so scared to ask them why they think so instead of publicly disagreeing with such great people?

  12. I am appaled by the motzi shem ra being spread about this yeshiva, and I am very grateful to Rabbi Hoffman for this article.
    I personally know many people there, and I see no way how speaking so unabashedly and disgustingly about such a special Torah’dik place can possibly be permissible! I feel an obligation to stand up for what’s right and inform anyone who sees this-THE ACCUSATIONS ARE NOT TRUE! QUITE THE OPPOSITE! In regards to what was written about the fifth commandment- it has laws too! Who are you to blame Rabbi Rubin when he has Da’as Torah vouching for him? I don’t understand why some people think they can publicize their opinion when it is contrary to such chashuve Da’as Torah. I know of more than one family that Rav Rubin helped put back together. Rabbi Rubin works L’sheim Shamayim, dedicating himself selflessly to doing Ratzon Hashem and to help so many people- EVEN WHEN HE GETS NASTY AND UTTERLY FALSE ACCUSATIONS IN RETURN!

  13. Just side point. I love Eithan Ruben as Another Yid as we are commanded to love every Jew, I do disagree with his Mehalech

  14. Thank you to Rabbi Hoffman for this article. Over the past three plus years, I have met with and interacted with the Rebbeim, bachurim, and Rosh Yeshiva from this Yeshiva. It is truly a great place. I have done my research as well (three years worth) and have found a full compliment of wonderful people shteiging and striving only to be better. This is lead by the Rosh Yeshiva and his Rebbetzin who are gems. The klal would benefit from more Yeshivas of this kind, not fewer.

    “The Protocols” reference is spot-on, unfortunately, and the actual truth needs to be told.

  15. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for this seminal article. It has been said, “Asei Licha Rav”- what a great privilege for these Bachurim and their parents to have made Rabbi Rubin their Rav. My son has learned, and continues to learn and grow at Yeshiva Siach Chaim for the past six years. While my son’s learning is impressive, what strikes me most is the way he has been shaped as a human being. The life values, humility, and so many other midot continue to strike me whenever I speak to him. I have no doubt that the other bachurim have been mentored in the same manner of refinement, dedication, and excellence in learning. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Rabbi Rubin and his wonderful wife for giving us this gift and for forming a strong sense of community among Klal Yisroel.

  16. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for this article and taking the resources that you have to stand up for for the emes and protect this Yeshiva and as well Klal Yisroel that can benefit from such an incredible Yeshiva, that unfortunately has been hurt tremendously by countless false accusations distorting greatly what this Yeshiva, the Bochurim, Yungeleit, Rav Eitan Rubin and his Rebbetzin actually are and what they stand for. “Allegations have been made that Rabbi Rubin makes everyone sign a contract that states that if there is ever a dispute between the Yeshiva and the students’ parents, the student is legally compelled to choose the Yeshiva. This is entirely false.”

  17. Cont. I happen to know a couple of the Bochurim that attend this Yeshiva as well as Rabbi Rubin and some of the families that live in the community as well. To say that Rabbi Rubin is against the 5th commandment makes kids side with him against from their parents is complete lies. It is clear from the Rubin family and from the other Bochurim and families I know from the community that close family relationships and care for family, siblings and parents is of great importance and put into practice, NO MATTER HOW THE FAMILY MAY BE WHETHER MORE RELIGOUS OR LESS, they all show great respect and care to family and parents. Thank you again Rabbi Hoffman for your efforts to put these lies to rest.

  18. The question is any of these rabbanim that has been mentioned here as his support have actually investigated, met or heard any of the parents side of story .

  19. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for shedding light on such a terrible situation in klal yisroel it is extremely comforting to know that there exist people in klal yisroel who will stand up for emes.
    A few lines from the article that I feel I can attest to are:
    “It is a regular, normal and wholesome Yeshiva. Anyone who has met the bochurim know this very well.” Absolutely!! I have been to the yeshiva for minyanim and even sat down to learn/watch the bochrim and youngelite learn and can confirm this. Additionally I am greeted with the warmest welcome from everyone there every time I come. I have also hosted some of the bochurim in my home for shabbos and in addition to the energy and geshmak they brought to our home, the dignity that they carried themselves with absolutely stole the show and my family still talks about how respectful, sweet and genuine they were all the time.

    “Rav Eitan Rubin is an eidel tzaddik and talmid chochom who lives for Klal Yisroel. He is an anav and everyone who knows him knows him to be an anav.” I have had the privilege of meeting the Rosh Yeshiva a few times and can certainly confirm this. He is extremely down to earth and very humble. It is clear that the bochurim get their welcoming attitude from the Rosh yeshiva as I remember the first time he saw me in the building he greeted me with a warm smile and with great hospitality, making me feel very comfortable.
    Once again Thank you Rabbi Hoffman!

  20. I am extremely joyed to see this article in print to reveal the truth about this special Makom Torah. I have personally encountered the members of this Kehilla, including the Rosh Yeshiva and his family, and share relationships with some of the bochurim as well. There are many impressive qualities I can attest first hand based on my own experience, but one quality that stands out most to me is how normal and down to earth the people in this community are.
    I would just like to share my personal experience with how I dealt with the negativity and point out some interesting discoveries that everyone should be aware of. After hearing many of the (unfortunately negative) rumors going around about the Yeshiva, I decided to investigate on my own, to see how accurate these claims are. I contacted direct members of the Yeshiva only to be appalled by the distance between what’s being said and the truth. Not only that, but the most shocking part of all is that the sources of all the negativity come from people who have never met Rabbi Rubin or visited the Yeshiva ever! How insane is it that such rumors are interfering with the lives of innocent yeshiva boys and their Yeshiva, carelessly being thrown around as if it doesnt have any ramifications. I’ve also seen many inconsistency’s in the claims of the opposers. I recognize that this review was vague and that was intentional. I don’t think this is the appropriate platform to discuss details but my closing message is that you don’t fall into the same trap of many others who carelessly believe this falsehood. If you genuinely take any rumors in consideration, do us all a favor and verify it.
    May HaShem bless this wonderful Yeshiva, its associated families, and the Rosh Yeshiva, and may we hear of good news in the near future.

  21. yes it is true when there is smoke there is fire but who ever said when there are rumors of smoke there is fire.
    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for standing for the truth.

  22. In a world where positive influences are like precious gems, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with a truly exceptional Yeshiva and Rav. For the past 15 years, I’ve had the immense privilege of knowing and learning from a remarkable person who has transformed my life in countless ways- Rabbi Eitan Rubin.

    Rabbi Rubin is a genuine beacon of light, a living embodiment of kindness, wisdom, and compassion. Through his guidance, I’ve not only deepened my love for Torah and Mitzvot, but I’ve also grown as a person – as a better father, a better husband, a better son, a better friend, a better businessman and a better ben torah.What truly sets Rabbi Rubin apart is his unwavering commitment to goodness. His heart is a treasure. His dedication to acts of chesed and torah has touched lives far and wide, leaving an indelible positive mark on the community and beyond. I’ve witnessed it all- inside and out of the walls of this tremendously special Yeshiva!

    So, here’s to my dear Yeshiva and Rav- Thank you for illuminating the true path and for teaching me and my family the true essence of life.

    Yet, amidst this gratitude, I’m saddened by the FALSE rumors and DAMAGING LIES being spread. It is situations like this that make me understand why we are in galut- motzie shem rah. Lies.

    This is a great yeshiva and can’t wait to see it continue to grow!

  23. To Mr. creating smoke,
    firstly, I am not a member of the yeshiva. This attitude of stating your accusing thoughts without verification seems to carry through your comments.
    And to respond to the disrespectful comment you wrote about Da’as torah, I for one trust Da’as Torah- if they say something, I trust that they have looked into it adequately. and side point, once you brought it up- many people who spew negative have yet to meet Rav Rubin. So I suggest you look into yourself before preaching to others.
    (By the way- comments from those who actually know Rav Rubin see his true colors and know much better than people who decide to blame Rabbi Rubin instead of looking inwards without knowing him.)

  24. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for this very necessary direct and thorough dismissal of the harmful and distasteful allegations that have circulated about this Yeshiva and Rabbi Rubin.
    I am not a talmid in the yeshiva, however I have relationships with many of the talmidim from previous yeshivos they were in, and they continue to impress me and inspire me whenever we interact. They are serious bnei Torah, yet incredibly down to earth and normal, and I have witnessed so many of them growing closer to their families throughout, only furthering the absolute sheker that has been said about this point. I also have the privilege of sharing a relationship with Rav Rubin. I have been guided by the rosh yeshiva in various stages of my life, both as a single yeshiva student navigating the various challenges of maintaining my sedarim while keeping up my college studies, to seeking his advice and guidance amidst the throes of shidduchim, all the way to my adult life as a father and husband. He has only helped strengthen not only my yiddishkeit and commitment to torah and mitzvos, but my relationship with my parents, siblings, and other important people in my life who may not have been in approval of the strides I took in my torah advancement. He is the most selfless, caring and dedicated rebbi, but also incredibly committed to being happy, emotionally healthy, and a true mentch, ESPECIALLY TO OUR PARENTS to whom we owe our lives. He has said this to me personally, on a number of occasions. To this end, the fact that bitter and jealous individuals have spread motzei shem ra, utter falsehood and malicious lies that could not be further from the truth is truly devastating. Once I heard that the individuals causing the damage have never stepped foot in the yeshiva, it only confirmed the obvious. A bunch of completely ridiculous and unsubstantiated attempts at causing harm to an incredible institution with a tzadik of a leader. I am tremendously appreciative to Rabbi Hoffman for setting the record straight here and may the Melech HaMishpat help to restore proper justice to the irreplaceable damage done, as we approach yom hadin

  25. Wow. Finally!!!!! I read this article and I have tears in my eyes, finally someone speaks the truth. It pains me tremendously to hear the Lashon hara that is said about Rabbi Rubin I can’t imagine how much it pains him, and still he doesn’t say anything, he lets these big Rabbanim check and investigate and say there words. What world do we live in ? Ppl can say what they want מוציא שם רע on a Rosh Yeshiva and we the olam sit in silence and do nothing? We are in chodesh Elul, We all come infront the all mighty and ask for forgiveness, will we be forgiven for not doing anything? For letting this שפיכות דמים? We all have to answer to this. I want to thank everyone of these chshuv and Rabbnim for finally doing what should have been done a long time ago and bringing light on this very important issue. I want to ask מחילה from Rabbi Robin for the tremendous עוולה that was done to him and most of all I want to ask him for a Bracha cause I know his Bracha will go straight to כסא הכבוד

  26. You are all blind with נגיעות

    Eithan is not a rosh yeshiva

    Has no mesora

    His rabbi dropped him like a hot potatoe

    He removed the 5 th commandment
    From the students who he is manipulating

    He is going to rabbis with lies

    None of them ever met the parents to see the truth

  27. Rabbi hoffman
    Never ever reached out to the parents to see the whole picture

    He is nothing more than a journalist that is a controlled by eithan and leible rand

    This is a churrban

    The same way lev tahor took time to show the truth and take down

    The truth will come out here
    Shame on all of
    All of you are one sided
    Not interested in trying to clarify the truth

  28. Dear Rabbi Hoffman,

    I trust this message finds you well. I’ve been an avid reader of your work and greatly appreciate the dedication and research you put into your articles. However, I must admit that your recent piece raised some concerns for me. While I acknowledge your expertise, I believe there might have been a missed opportunity to present a more balanced perspective.

    Your past writings have consistently displayed careful diligence and ample evidence, which is why this particular article struck me as a departure from your usual approach. As a respected authority in the community, I respectfully urge you to consider delving into both sides of the matter before finalizing your conclusions. Consulting esteemed figures like Rav Sheraga Neuberger, Rav Hobberman, Rabbi Yoel Burztyn, and Rav Asher Balanson could shed more light on the truth and potentially rectify any unintentional misrepresentation.

    Especially in the sacred month of Elul, a time of introspection and growth, I believe it’s crucial to ensure that your words guide fellow Jews towards accurate information and understanding. No doubt, you share the same concern about preventing any inadvertent endorsement of an institution led by someone perceived as a cult leader.

    I remain deeply respectful of your expertise and commitment to the community. Your ongoing pursuit of truth and authenticity is what has garnered my admiration for your work over the years.

    With sincere respect,
    A fellow Yid who values the truth

  29. What a riveting article illuminating two of the primary nisyonos that plague our dor today and prevent the coming of Mashiach: lacking respect for talmdei chachomim and sinas chinam. With my own exposures to various types of Sefardim, I’ve heard and seen the lack of yeshivos that cater to Sefardi culture in comparison to Ashkenazim. I’ve also heard and seen parents of these Sefardim (majority of them emigrating from their home countries to America) understandably lacking their own exposures to long-term learning, unlike Ashkenazi culture, where it is more entrenched and “accepted.” This Rabbi Rubin is significant in the fact that he seems to be doing it right, fusing Sefardi mesorah with yeshiva culture and producing upright Benei Torah who get “the best of both worlds.” Skoyach to him and shkoyach to all who support him!

  30. This comment box seems one sided
    They only seem to be posting pro eithan posts

    I have atleast 6 posts alone that we’re removed

    Other ppl that have posted have also been removed

    Where is trump when you need him lol

    He already showed up what fake news is about
    I didn’t realize it applies in our world also

    Moderator !!!!
    We are looking for Emmes
    Not one sided article

  31. Just for the record eithans yeshiva is no longer a Sephardi yeshiva
    He turned it ashkenaz a short time ago
    When do you hear a person flip flopping like this
    Must be the woke liberals thing

    If You can switch gender
    You can change nusach ….

  32. Dear Mr. Pigsfeet,
    it seems that you think that you can run your big mouth AGAIN!
    You are in public saying Motzei Shem Ra! you are speaking about a very special, caring and great person.
    “we are looking for emmes”- we are too, yet you seem to be denying it! this is not a one sided article because your disgusting, nasty letters come up too often! maybe your letters are not being posted because you are writing in a disturbing way, and maybe because you are not writing anything with tochen. or maybe it seems like a one sided article because everyone seems to be smart and realized the truth! but for some reason you are not.
    “Eithan is not a rosh yeshiva”- oh Rabbi Rubin sure is, hence the fact that he has a lot of caring and respectful talmidim. He is actually a Rosh yeshiva that cares immensely about his talmidim.
    “He is going to rabbis with lies .None of them ever met the parents to see the truth” Quite the opposite! you are the one going to people with lies. none of them have ever looked into the yeshiva or stepped foot in the yeshiva.
    “Rabbi hoffman Never ever reached out to the parents to see the whole picture”- Really? did you speak to him about that? because it seems otherwise. it seems that he spoke to a bunch of people regarding this matter including very very chashuve rabbonim. Moreover, if you look, there are plenty of parents who actually spoke to Rabbi Rubin and are very positive so it seems like you need to check your side of things.
    “The truth will come out here”- the truth did come out!
    Rabbi Rubin is a TZADDIK and i suggest that you close you mouth NOW!

  33. I’ve personally known Rabbi Rubin for many years now. He is an extremely caring and thought out individual who tries to help everyone he comes across. He has helped me in many ways throughout my life.Rabbi Rubin is so selfless and loving, an exceptional individual and Rosh Yeshiva. The yeshiva BH has produced fine young ehrliche bochurim! Beezrat HaShem they should continue to go M’chail El Chail and grow into big Talmidei Chachamim that have a tremendous affect on Klal Yisrael!


    Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse…..

    We are your friends
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  35. To compare a change in nusach done with da’as torah to what you compared it to, pigsfeet, seems extremely inappropriate and out of line. It invalidates your other statements- for if you could compare that, you must be portraying other things in the same extreme fashion.
    to Shira David: I respect your quest for truth and the manner in which you went about it. Yet I think you might be mislead. Many respected and ehrliche rabbanim and people, who know the yeshiva and Rabbi Rubin very well, unlike the figures you mentioned, have found Rabbi Rubin an incredibly special person, and the yeshiva and its buchrim a very special place. So though I understand how these differing opinions might lead to confusion, it may be good to check into the matter oneself with people who are in contact with Rabbi Rubin on a current/constant basis.
    Once again, I want to thank Rabbi Hoffman very much for providing this platform for others to perhaps gain clarity.

  36. To pigsfeet,
    Regarding your concern about the Stockholm syndrome, Dr. Pelcovitz looked into it. As he is world renowned, i believe his opinion to be more trustworthy. And he was NOT in agreement with you.

  37. Several years ago, my daughter started dating a talmud of this Yeshivah, my wife and I were very nervous, as we are Modern. They are now married and have a baby; my wife and I have been to the yeshivah several times, met all of the students of the Yeshivah and Rabbi Rubin and I can tell you personally that the Rubins, the Talmidim and all of the families involved in the Yeshivah are incredible people.
    Rabbi Rubin and the entire Yeshivah were at the engagement party and Chusanah, at both, there was a very strong positive energy in the air. I did not pick up on any unusual vibes or activity at any point.
    There is nothing going on in that Yeshivah or elsewhere that anyone should be concerned about. Rabbi Rubin has put much effort and has guided my daughter and son in law in any and all issues fairly and I am very appreciative of his good advice and derech he has put them on.

  38. dear Shira david – your comment is appreciated and the way you respectfully ask your question is something that other people on this thread should learn from. if you dont mind i would like to try and respectfully clarify some things as it seems you are aware of the negativity that is being spread .

    as you wrote in your previous post ” Your past writings have consistently displayed careful diligence and ample evidence, which is why this particular article struck me as a departure from your usual approach. As a respected authority in the community, I respectfully urge you to consider delving into both sides of the matter before finalizing your conclusions. Consulting esteemed figures like Rav Sheraga Neuberger, Rav Hobberman, Rabbi Yoel Burztyn, and Rav Asher Balanson could shed more light on the truth and potentially rectify any unintentional misrepresentation.”

    this article was written with careful diligence and ample evidence it is unclear to me why you feel otherwise. the ones who you should be questioning about there “ample evidence” are the rabbonim you have mentioned in your above comment by name. it is them who have sadly failed to do so. it is YOU who i urge to do your reserch before questioning rabbi hofffman – would he put his reputation on the line for something he was not POSITIVE about. so please i beg you ask these rabbonim that you have named- have you done ample reaserch? have you tried to hear the other side ? have you ever even met the rosh yeshiva? or any of his talmididm or members of the community? the only missrepresentation being done here is by the rabbonim you mentioned.

    With sincere respect,
    A fellow Yid who values the truth

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