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Piron Closing Chareidi Classes in Controversial Beit Shemesh School

pironEducation Minister Rabbi Shai Piron has announced he has decided to close the classrooms given to a chareidi girl’s school in the non-frum שפות ותרבות School in Beit Shemesh. He stated the girl’s school is operating illegally and the decision made by Beit Shemesh City Hall was done without consulting with the appropriate ministry officials.

Tatiana Eilouz, who heads the PTA in the שפות ותרבות School in Beit Shemesh that the partition wall built in the school is unacceptable. When asked if she is okay with the chareidi girls if the wall was removed, she said “We must find a solution for every child in Israel but this must not be done at the expense of other children”. While avoiding a direct response to the question, she said there are other places that can be used other than their school.

Chareidim explain they are missing 350-400 classrooms while the secular system has an excess of classrooms. Chareidim are questioning how they can permit classrooms to remain vacant when so many students do not have an adequate classroom.

The Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Tuesday 7 Elul ruled the chareidi school is prohibited from using the classrooms in the school until it receives authorization to do so from the Education Ministry. The ruling is in effect until Thursday, 9 Elul at 10AM.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. What makes Piron a Rabbi when closing a chareidi School?
    What’s the expense of other children in giving some vacant classrooms to chareidim?
    It’s all pure anti-semitism in the run up to Rosh Hashana and an attempt to de-chareideis our youth!
    Shame on the Zionists!

  2. If THE goal of your chinuch and avodas Hashem is “chareideization”, then you have joined the ranks of menashe, yeravam ben nevat and the other infamous idol worshippers of Jewish history. Chareidiism, the belief that superficially appearing and acting chareidi is all that matters, is a belief foreign to Toras Moshe. It joins the ranks of Zionism, communism and all the other winds of modern idolatry that have tugged at Jews over the years. It is also the cause of this chillul Hashem that, once again, goes forth from my city.

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