Radio Hosts Ridicule Campaign Calling on the Tzibur in Israel to Check Mezuzos

mezWell known Radio Lelo Hafsaka hosts Gabi Gazit and Natan Zahavi expressed criticism against a campaign backed by Minister Miri Regev and MK Eitan Cabel, calling on people to check their mezuzos. The mezuzah campaign is being run by the Rabbanei Kehillos organization.

Zahavi in his monolog questioned the value of a mezuzah and what it actually protects. “What is a mezuzah actually? A piece of plastic that an Arab laborer made in some factory”.

He continued with his criticism of the elected officials’ decision to back the campaign. “There have no limit to their stupidity. What will they tell all of those religious and chareidi people that went out to the railway station and were murdered, that the mezuzah was not kosher, that the parchment was not kosher?”

“The two MKs explain that for them the mezuzah is the frontline defense, protection, a Jewish home that HKBH watches over. Tell me do they remember the murder in the Jerusalem shul? HKBH watches over a shul? He watches over Kever Yosef against arsonists? HKBH watches over the Fogel family that was slaughtered in their home? And afterwards, we tell you that you are primitive and you are angered!”

CEO of Rabbanei Kehillos Amichai Eliyahu responded, telling Srugim News “There are those who are pained to see the connection the Jewish tzibur maintains with tradition and the Israeli tzibur’s connection to their Father in Heaven. Zahavi’s actions were demagogic in an effort to belittle the values of Am Yisrael and to portray the mezuzah as an idol worship by making incorrect comparisons”.

Radio host Gabi Gazit opened his program on the same station in a similar fashion, with a cynical reference to the campaign, adding in a mocking tone “I must remember that every time I do not feel well I must kiss a mezuzah”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. We have unfortunately seen our gedolim criticized in ways that are so chutzpadik and it brings to mind the predictions of the time before geula. This terrible approach, especially with social media, brings down their ability to lead properly-grab whatever mitzvos you can, whatever tradition you can, and hold on to it, and try to spread kovod shamayim – each person in their own little way- we are very very endangered, and must rise to the difficult challenge.

  2. As someone who has been living here for close to 4 decades, I can tell you that the majority of Jewish Israelis do not support radio host Gabi Gazit’s point of view. Despite what many folks in the U.S. might think, the overwhelming majority of Israelis are not ideological zionists vis a vis yiddishkeit. Nearly all of them are ignorant tinokos she’nishbu. So, while they might be “zionists” who are “proud” of their country, very many do not espouse the anti-Torah attitudes that were formulated 100 years ago. And while the frum community sees a connection between being “proud of your country” and the atheistic underpinnings of the state, you have to understand that a typical, unlearned Israeli might not. So, while taking pride in his country, he also feels some connection to yiddishkeit as well. Therefore, although it’s certainly true that there was once a grand scheme to overtake or to wipe out (chv”s) Torah observance among the Jewish people, today, most of the ideologues of yesteryear know that zionism on the cultural, educational, ideological, “spiritual” level has failed, and has not managed (B”H!) to totally sever the Jewish people from their heritage. Of course, there is are huge problems, and a great deal of kiruv is vital to remedy the situation. But nowadays, Rabbi Miller’s description of American Jewry’s ignorance applies equally to the Israeli Jew. The “zionist” anti-religionists are a minority, but they’re extremely noisy and many hold positions of importance in the govt., the army, the judiciary, academia, and (perhaps the worst of all) THE MEDIA. They want everyone to think that their opinions are the “mainstream” in Israel, but everyone here knows that it’s not true. So, while we need to be vigilant against the proponents of anti-Torah thinking, you can be sure that when it comes to yiddishkeit, most Israelis are not the “zionists” of a generation or two ago. Most are thirsty to hear the dvar Hashem. Yehi ratzon that the frum community can continue helping to quench their thirst.

  3. Listen what do you want from them, they don’t know any better. Maybe us Frum people should get more involved in kiruv and bring our Non affiliated brothers and sisters back to there father in heaven.
    It’s not coincidence that a majority of the attacks have been directed at us frum people. Every Jew must get involved in saving hashems lost children.

  4. One does not have to believe that there is anything mystical about a mezzuzah to believe that it is important to have kosher mezzuzah scrolls. Fulfilling mitzvot is important and if your scroll is pasul you have failed to fulfill a mitzvah from the Torah!

  5. I heard from Rav Avigdor Miller a line on a tape, and I’ll just repeat it here. American’s think that these people are just ignorant. You see from things like this that they are on a vicious campaign to wipe out Torah from the Jews. This is the continuation of all of the various forms of the Zionist “dream” from Europe.

    In the US today, there isn’t much animosity, because the Holocaust cooled off the animosity and today, the remnants of that movement are gone. The Zionists that were already in Israel are all that remain.

    Now, instead of divorcing Judaism from the Jews, they try to hijack it and Netanyahu is the “king” of the “Jewish State.” And making fun of ancient Jewish rituals.

    The Torah is our constitution. The leaders and generals are the Roshei Yeshivos, the poskim and the talmidei chachamim. The rest of us are the foot soldiers in the trenches fighting the yeitzer harah on a daily basis, in our own ways.

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