Kaine Says He’s Not Going to Run for President in 2020

Hillary Clinton campaigns with Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) at the Ernst Community Cultural Center in Annandale, Va.Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine says he’ll seek re-election in 2018 but is ruling out a presidential bid in 2020.

The former Democratic vice presidential nominee said in an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday that his decision is final.

“Period. Full stop,” Kaine said.

The 58-year-old said he wants to serve in the upper chamber for as long as he’s healthy and the voters of Virginia, and his wife, allow him.

Kaine said that as a member of the Senate’s Democratic minority he will work as a key check on President-elect Donald Trump. Kaine says he will continue his work to expand Congress’ role in voting for and declaring war.


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