NYS Senator Carl Kruger To Turn Himself In To Federal Authorities

State Senator Carl Kruger, a powerful and at times controversial Brooklyn Democrat, will turn himself in to the federal authorities in Manhattan on Thursday, according to a person with knowledge of the case.

Mr. Kruger had been under investigation by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn who were looking into accusations that he had helped businessmen with bureaucratic hurdles in exchange for assistance raising campaign money.

Mr. Kruger headed the powerful Senate Finance Committee until Democrats lost control of the chamber last year, a position from which he amassed the Senate’s largest campaign war chest.

One of Mr. Kruger’s campaign donors, Michael Levitis, who is suspected of serving as an intermediary between the senator and those seeking favors, pleaded guilty this month of lying to federal investigators in the Brooklyn case.

Mr. Kruger is set to join an ever-lengthening parade of New York State lawmakers from both parties who have been indicted, convicted, or pleaded guilty to criminal offenses in the last decade, many of them relating to illegally soliciting or receiving money from individuals seeking help with state business.

The senator will surrender to federal prosecutors at 8:30 a.m., the person said, along with several other individuals. It was not clear the specific criminal charges that would be filed against him.

Mr. Kruger’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, declined to comment to the NY Times Wednesday.

(Source: NY Times)

One Response

  1. Is it no wonder that the concerns of the frum velt have been ignored by him? He took shoyhad yet he puts on a yarmulka for the pictures.

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