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Foreign Press Fed Up With PM’s Office?

The Foreign Press Association in Israel sent a sharp letter to the Prime Minister’s Office Thursday, complaining of multiple humiliating incidents, which the organization claims both impedes foreign reporters’ work, as well as erodes their professional standing.

The FPA denounced what it called “the continued harassment” of foreign reporters who arrive at the PM Office’s media events, adding that unless policies change, they may stop covering the PMO altogether.

“The Foreign Press Association strongly condemns the continued harassment of journalists attending media events at the Prime Minister’s Office,” said the letter.


5 Responses

  1. RavKahaneTzadak…er…to what is the press is objecting? Surely you must know, having presented us with such a firm and inciteful comment

  2. Is that a threat or a promise?

    Most of these Foreign correspondents are biased especially against THIS PM. Natanyahu is the most pr savy PM in Israel’s history and they don’t like it one bit.

    Maybe Israel would be better off if they carried out their “threat”.

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