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Eretz Yisroel Shul Finds Swastikas On Walls Over Rosh Hashanah

Two swastikas were found spray-painted on the walls of a Dimona Shul on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. The swastikas were found on the building’s wall and on the fence surrounding it.

Dimona Mayor Meir Cohen, who was among those who discovered the swastikas, promised a reward from his own pocket to anyone who would provide information on the perpetrators.

“In the coming days I plan to do nothing else but deal with this issue. I have recruited all the municipality inspectors to find out who sprayed the swastikas,” he told Ynet.

This story comes on last weeks disturbing arrest of a neo-Nazi gang in Petach Tikvah. 

(Source: Ynet)


2 Responses

  1. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad – the same Zionists who purport to create and maintain a Utopian haven for Jews – these very same Zionists – imported Arab Rotzchim from Tunis to terrorize their State, AND import non-Jews from all over to further terrorize their citizens. This is, indeed, the beauty of Zionism. Each day, the fallacy of Zionism is further exposed as the breathtakingly bald-faced lie it always has been.

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