DM Lieberman: Palestinian Terror Preceded Settlements

“The victory of the Six-Day War, which took place from June 5 to June 10, 1967, is marked today in Israel, but the [political] left blames the ‘settlements’ of increasing terror”, said Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who added, “We saw Palestinian terrorism long before [the Six Day war].”

In his Twitter account he wrote: “Fifty years ago, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem shot and killed US presidential candidate Robert (Bobby) Kennedy, who was murdered by Sirhan Sirhan in order to harm our alliance with the United States and its support for us in the Six Day War.

“We saw the Palestinian terrorism long before the settlements,” he concluded. “We will continue to fight until our enemies give up the dream of destroying the State of Israel.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. He could go back to the 1920s. One speculates the reason he didn’t is that event that triggered the “start” of the Palestinian “terror” was the shift of the yishuv leadership from the hareidim (who wanted to live in peace and didn’t object to Islamic rule as long as frum Jews were free to come to and live in Eretz Yisrael) and the zionists (who prioritized political control over Eretz Yisrael).

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