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WARNING: Multiple People Are Left In Serious Condition Following Firecracker Accidents In Eretz Yisroel!

hatzolah israel1.jpgh1.jpgWith Purim underway in Eretz Yisroel, Hatzolah Israel, and MDA medics have unfortunately been needed in quite a few incidents regarding firecrackers- leaving multiple people seriously injured.

One incident took place on Rechov Shmuel HaNavi in Yerushalayim – where someone threw a firecracker at a 30-year-old Yungerman. Hatzolah Israel tells YWN that the man was transported to Hadasa Ein Kerem Hospital – where he was R”L listed in serious condition.

Another incident took place in Ariel when some firecrackers exploded inside a home – leaving a 15-year-old boy with life threatening injuries to his neck. He was transported to Petach Tikva’s Beliinson Medical Center by MDA Paramedics – where he R”L remains in serious condition.

In Bnei Brak, a 25-year-old Chassan – supposed to be married in a few weeks – R”L lost a few fingers on Purim night after a firecracker exploded prematurely in his hand. He is currently undergoing emergency surgery to try and reattach his fingers.

And yet another incident took place in Tel Aviv – where a 4-month-old was R”L seriously injured by firecrackers.

Hatzolah Israel is urging all parents – around the globe – to confiscate these dangerous explosive devices from your children. “There is no reason to have the happiest day of the year, turn into a day where a loved-one loses an eye, finger, hearing, eyesight, or a Chas V’Shalom a LIFE,” a Hatzolah spokesperson told YWN.

Best wishes for a Freilichen Purim.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. my sister was on a bus with my 7 month old nephew when some kids threw firecrackers on the bus. My nephew went into shock and my sister freaked out thinking that he lost his hearing or something ח”ו. Baruch hashem he seems to be ok now, but please… we have so much צרות why should we have more caused by our own… Firecrackers are dangerous and should be אסור and has NOTHING to do with purim.

  2. Thank you for alerting the public about this. However the people that should be told dont read english and therefore dont go to this wonderful website.

  3. OY! if only women would dress more tznius we wouldnt have to deal with these tragedies. of course im kidding, but we keep hearing that this or that is why terrible things happen to us or for some aveirah we must have done. it is crystal clear: FORBID CHILDREN FROM PLAYING WITH FIREWORKS! and give serious consequences. there is no good excuse for it. some parents feel that since kids don’t drink they need some outlet, this is absurd. many kids need outlets and we dont let them engaging in forbidden activities. although it is true that many parents wont allow it, their kids will simply play with them when they have some unsupervised time. let me be clear, no child on shmuel hanavi would dream of walking around with a prtitzus ad or with a forbidden item in plain sight. he would fear the stigma that would befall him. yet dangerous firecrackers have somehow become acceptable?! every single year there are dozens of children hurt and we have the nerve to ask “Why? Why has this terrible thing befallen us?” i see a new pashkevil every day about something that causes the charedi world to ” tremble with fear of heaven” (no pun) and how something must be done, war is waged against whatever the offending item is. is there any reason why not in this case?

  4. I just spoke to my sister, the kids threw the firecrackers on to the bus as it was leaving the station. My nephew is fine but people on the bus got very scared…. thought it was a bomb!!!

  5. I just spoke to my son in Israel. There are 100’s of police in Bnei berak anyone caught with fireworks, gets arrested on the spot till after Purim. Anything with gunpowder should be banned. I witnessed many years ago when I was learning in Israel a boy shot with a toy gun that has gunpowder pellets near a boy with a fake beard a spark ignited the beard. BS”D an adult nearby yanked it of his face which saved him from serious burns. Happy Purim to all.

  6. I am on the phone right now with my son in Bnai Berak. He saw many kids with fire crackers and dynomite and the police were laughing and saying this is normal. as I am talking I hear the loud bangs in the background and he is indoors.

  7. the police here in eretz yiroel don’t do any thing about the fire crackers
    i heard b’shem many gedloim that you should use whatever force necessary to get these kid to stop throwing the “bombs”

  8. years ago I worked in the pyrotechnic field (local township fireworks shows). during the 3 or so years that I did these shows, I had the chance to go to a plant where shells are manufactured.

    I know the care and diligence that are put into the shells that are used for public display and the lack of care that is put into the illegal fireworks. With the legal fireworks, the risk is great (I had more than one close call). with the garbage that is sold illegally (much of which is manufactured in china – and we know their (lack of) standards of quality), the risk is too great to calculate.

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