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Maklev Reveals A Deal With Shas Was Dependent On The Election Of Pindrus

Uri Maklev was confronted by the situation in Elad, a city that has failed to assemble a coalition since municipal elections due to the strive and machlokes that surrounded those elections. According to a BeChadrei Chareidim report, the head of Degel Hatorah in Elad, Avi Stern, along with other activists and shul gabboim approached Maklev on Sunday evening, complaining of the untenable situation, which is preventing them from working as they should. Maklev was the party’s representative to Elad and he was responsible for negotiations, which failed to reach a harmonious conclusion.

One of the issues confronting Maklev was the Degel activists learned that Maklev signed a document giving Shas control over the city’s engineering portfolio, a portfolio that traditionally was held by Degel. The deal stipulated that in exchange for the portfolio, Shas would support Degel in the next term.

Maklev pointed out that for the time being, there are no negotiations with Mayor Yisrael Porush, so the entire matter is no longer relevant. He added that what was also included in the agreement was the stipulation that this would only be the case if Yitzchak Pindrus would be the mayor of Elad, but this did not occur because Pindrus’ candidacy was disqualified by the High Court of Justice, which ruled he moved to the city just to qualify for running for mayor and did not really live in Elad as claimed.

The delegation remained silent on the matter regarding Pindrus, then commenting on efforts to unite with Shas. The BeChadrei report quotes them telling Maklev, “The Sephardim of Elad are different, not like the Sephardim of the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem but like Ramle and Lod”. In his words, “The connection with Shas is not natural, and it will not last and it will just revert to what was”.

Maklev explained the effort is not being made to prevent a coalition, but they are making genuine efforts to form a coalition with Mayor Yisrael Porush, while responding appropriately to the needs and independence of Degel Hatorah representatives in the city as representatives of the Degel Hatorah tzibur in the city of Elad towards serving the principles upon which Degel Hatorah was established. Maklev added that Shas backed the Degel candidate, and it was beneficial for both parties, while Degel was protecting its interests – stressing all negotiations are conducted with the permission and instruction of the Vaad Rabbonim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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