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Government School For Chareidim Opposed in Ramot Neighborhood by Chareidim

Following previous unsuccessful attempts to open the school, due to in part Rabbinic pressure against the school itself, a new plan to open a Government Supervised Chareidi School (Mamlachti Chareidi) in the Chareidi section of Ramot has been kicked off on Sunday.

According to a report by BeChadrei Charedim, the local community center invited locals to an evening in which they would explain the plans for the new school.

The school is to be called Bnos Yerushalayim and is set to move from the center of the city to the Ramot neighborhood in the coming months once their new building is ready.

The style of education of Mamlachti Chareidi is not in line with what various Chareidi leaders approve of due to the school teaching basic levels of math and other subjects.

Previously, rabbonim of the community threatened to oppose with great fervor any attempt to open such a school in the Ramot neighborhood.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I live there and this article makes no sense. Girls schools have basic math, and more. What other subjects are you talking about? Zionist /”history” of the state of Israel? … ?… what other subjects?

  2. “CAREIDI AMITI” u aren’t and I ma sure u don’t live in Yerushalaim either

    To the YWN editor – why did u allow this comment on the site

  3. So, this is how the Charedi politicians plan on helping the English speaking Charedi community, by is opposing the new Bnos Yerushalayim school in the Ramot section of Yerushalayim. Chareidi leaders may not approve of it due to the school teaching basic levels of math and other subjects but that is what most English speaking residents want for their girls. Charedi English speaking parents now want basic+ secular education so that their children can function in the changing society they live in. The increasing numbers of Charedim active in all sectors of the economy show that the olden days are just that, olden days. It is now quite possible to awaken in Yerushalayim to learn before davening, daven with a bren, make a kiddush Hashem with your co-workers by only eating your glat kosher home-prepared lunch, go home to help your children with their homework, eat supper with the family and them go out to learn. And yes, as it is Sunday, you may even have Skyped the kids and einikelach in mid-America, or searched the Internet to help an Israeli Charedi neighbor with a medical issue, AND still be an emesdik oived Hashem. The neighbor, of course, would never use the cursed Internet but will happily let you be his chessed “shaliach”. Today there is a new class of “goy” familiar to English, and French and Spanish, speakers, the “Internet Goy”. He can only be asked for help during the weekdays. On Shabbos, we need to revert to the old fashioned Shabbos Goy for help. If you need one of those, ask any Yerushalmi, he will know exactly where to find one, just as during the week he will know where to find an Internet Goy to help him register for an appointment in the US Embassy to apply for a visa to go to the Goldene Medina for “Hachnossas Kallo”.

  4. Jerusalem observer,

    What you stated is similar to what to Shimon Peres once admonished American religious olim

    What you stated would be wonderful and commendable And a step up for most of the world
    For ירושלים Who can say if it’s not a Step or more down

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