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FREE SPEECH IS DEAD IN NYC: Kalman Yeger Kicked Off City Council Committee For ‘Palestine Does Not Exist’ Comments [UPDATED]

The gauntlet has dropped. New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson has decided to remove Councilman Kalman Yeger from the Immigration Committee for tweeting that “Palestine doesn’t exist.”

“I do not believe that someone who engages in the type of rhetoric we heard from Council Member Yeger belongs on the immigration committee, which is supposed to welcome and support immigrants in our city,” Johnson said in a statement.

Yeger had been unapologetic about his comments during a news conference on Thursday. “There is no state by that name. There is no place by that name. That’s a fact. I didn’t make it up, I didn’t invent it,” he said.

[NY Daily News Defends Kalman Yeger’s “Palestine Does Not Exist” Tweet]

Ant-Semitic Palestinian terrorist-sympathizer Linda Sarsour, a New York City-based activist who encouraged the backlash to Yeger’s comments, applauded his removal from the Council committee.

“This sends a wider message that saying anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian things comes with consequences,” Ms. Sarsour said.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said agreed with the decision. “It’s important for people to understand that everyone is valued,” the mayor said in an interview on Monday with NY1’s Errol Louis.

[YEGER-OFFICE PROTESTS: Hundreds Drown Out Few Pro-Palestinians; Neturei Karta Joins Anti-Semites [VIDEOS]

“It’s a dark and sad day for the entire city, but certainly for the Jewish community, not just here, but throughout the country where this will reverberate,” said the former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind. “Democrats, in this case led by Corey Johnson, are sending a clear message to Jews: Ilhan Omar’s boldfaced antisemitism and use of Nazi tropes is totally acceptable and doesn’t even warrant the threat of committee removal, but the mere mention of an indisputable historical fact by a Jew about Palestine, that is where there’s a problem! One need not agree with Israeli government policy to realize that what just went down today is a punitive policing of an elected official’s free speech! A dangerous precedent if ever there was any.”

“The Democrats,” lamented Hikind, “have doubled down, jumping head first down the antisemitic rabbit hole. In the end, it’s not just a meaningful percentage of Jewish voters they’re going to lose in 2020 and beyond, but they are also undermining the very foundations of our cherished democracy.”

“I have one last message to Corey Johnson and his fellow Democrats” said Hikind. “Nothing you do or say, no punitive action you take can undo or change history. You have unwittingly desecrated a history you clearly know so little of. You’ve been manipulated like marionettes. But if you would study history you’d know that all those who attempt to control and distort it are remembered unfavorably by history. Shame on you Corey Johnson! And, shame on you Democratic party! History will not forgive or judge you kindly.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. That’s right Omar gets a prize for speaking her mindlesness but if you you respond to these scum that is uncivil and unhelpful or whatever other term you care to use

  2. In my opinion, Omar and Yeger should both stay on their committees. They both have a non-insignificant support base, and while I disagree with both, people who share their views should have representation.

  3. and which party will get the Jewish vote in the next election? Even within the frum community there are those who only fill in the box next to democrats.

  4. If anyone has the menuval’s email address please post it and let the emails pour in to him saying what a piece of nothing he is.

  5. Why do so many Frum people still identify with and vote for “democrats”? Political expediency?!
    It’s time to call so called “democrat party” what it really is, and what it has been ever since Obama took office in 2009, “Communist party of USA”!

  6. How about people start a petition and get 500000 signatures to show world at the public isn’t okay with this and that the real anti-semite should be removed completely from office and Yeger should be reinstated to his original committee position?

  7. Wow; the hypocrisy in this country, particularly in the Democratic party, is beyond astonishing! Ilhan Omar, Tlaib can spew blatant Anti-Semitism, they could even spew blatant Anti-American material and still get cheered on. A Jew repeats a fact, a fact that even the “Palestinians” do not deny, and he gets booted. Wow. It’s been many years since I have voted Democrat because the candidate was Democrat. Usually vote for the Republican but if warranted, I’ll vote for a Democrat but his/ her party affiliation certainly is only an obstacle, a stain.

  8. Anyone who thinks that a person who is proud of their toeyva can ever be anything less than evil might be surprised at CJ’s actions, everyone else well there’s nothing to see here.

  9. Wrong: there are no “Palestinians” either. They are Arabs, any modifier is only possible as a geographic or national designation, I.e. Jerusalem Arabs, Israeli Arabs, Parisian Arabs etc.

  10. 1. Corey Johnson does not run the US Congress.

    2. Ilhan Omar did apologize and the same is being asked from Yeger.

    3. No ones freedom of speech is being denied by being removed from a privileged position. He’s certainly not facing any legal consequences.

    4. He has no business to insert himself and his constituents into some international controversy, which is completely out of a NYC Councilman’s domain.

    5. His comments, true or not, is still unnecessary, devisive and offensive.

    6. It makes zero sense to risk destroying the peace with our Muslim neighbors in Brooklyn over a personal opinion about a matter 6000 miles away.

    7. Kalman should just be a class do a Kiddush Hashem and just apologize and let’s just move on.

  11. Sorry but, in all of my old and antique volumes, most written by Christian academics over 100 years ago, I can’t find any mention of some “palestine”, full of 8 million arabs all living in separate villages of between 40 and 1000 people each.
    Can’t find it at the British Museum. Can’t find it in Ankara. Can’t find it in the basement of the Vatican. Alexander couldn’t find it. Going to use the name more known to the city council, Xerxes couldn’t find it. Even Mao never heard of it. I can’t even find a globe or map that says “west bank” either.

    The Democrats have decided that emotions and temper tantrums make reality, not reality.

    Personally, I think there should be a movement to rename New Zealand to this.

  12. Count me in with Ocho Sinco. I grew up as a Democrat. Now the party sickens me. Free speech is dead if it doesn’t fit in with the Democrats versions of political correctness. Omar opened the door for the Anti-Semites to come running through. And now it will not be shut. Our days as comfortable Yidden in the USA are coming to an end, just as they have everywhere else in the Diaspora.

    I suggest sending emails to Cory Johnson and Yaeger. One opposing, one endorsing. Just look up NYC City Council online.

  13. Free speech is not dead. Yeger has the right to speak the truth. He has no right to be on committees. That’s a gift Johnson gave him, and now he’s taken it back, as is his right. He’s the speaker, and if you don’t agree with him you don’t get on committees. Let Yeger cross over to the Republicans, and they may give him one of their committee seats.

    Curiosity, midwoodmom, sue for what? He has no right to be on a committee.

    Torahdefender, why do you think a petition would change anyone’s mind? Johnson already knows Yeger’s constituents support him; his constituents don’t.

    By the way, Yeger concedes too much in agreeing that “Palestinians” exist. They do now, but only because they were deliberately manufactured. It’s an artificial identity, and should not be given any credibility.

  14. @Hatesheker – well said. We are still in galus. While we are entitled to representation in the City Council, we should lay low.

  15. Crazy people
    Why should he apologize?
    Every piece of garbage can say what they want regardless whether it is true or false but Yeger is not allowed to say the truth – because he is Jewish
    Shame on DeBlasio, Johnson, and all the other bums

  16. Milhouse, if enough people petition, then yes it can make a major difference. While it is true that everyone knows that there are 2 sides, a huge petition can show a lot. I think that if every online Jewish news site would post a link link to the petition, they would get enough people to make the impact.

  17. Hatesheker

    Yeger as the antagonist? How do you figure?

    Omar does her thing, Tleib’s biggest supporters are proud allies of PFLP, Hizbollah & Hamas but somehow you see Yeger as the antagonist? Lol

    Yeger has a responsibility to stand up to the anti-Semitism that has found a home in the Democratic Party and that is not antagonism.

  18. I guess this reminds us were in galus and maybe not act like the jdl while in the diverse nyc council (by needing to say palestine doesnt exist) perhaps he can say the romans called judea palestine and the name stuck till 1948. That this name encompassed what is now jordan, israel and the “west bank” and gaza. “I apologise” for anyone being hurt” by the words i used.

  19. @kvetcher – “We are still in galus. While we are entitled to representation in the City Council, we should lay low”

    Good thing that was not our response while in galus under Greek rule.

  20. For real?! An apology would be a terrible idea – any backpedaling can and will be interpreted as a statement supporting the country of “Palestine”. And since the country of Palestine must be “from the river to the sea”, it doesn’t allow for another country such as, um…Israel, to exist. Apologizing would be extremely detrimental to 6 million of your fellow Jews in Israel. It would also empower the anti-semitism growing in America by kowtowing to the double standards in politics where anti-semitism is excused and explained away and islamaphobia condemned and punished. The apathy, ignorance, and naïveté here is astounding. And of course we should keep a low profile in golus – don’t keep home-renovating or drive a 500,000 dollar car.

  21. Mihouse, you’ve got to be kidding! do you actually think that public opinion means nothing?! How about if 500,000 or more people sign a petition calling on Corey to resign if he doesn’t reinstate Yeger?! As much as people can deny and fool themselves , 500,000 people means a lot .

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