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Dramatic Instructions From HaRav Chaim: “Vaccinate Children In The Talmudei Torah”

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky with coronavirus czar Prof. Salman Zarka.

As fear of a major COVID wave in Israel spurred by the Omicron variant grows, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky issued dramatic instructions on Monday evening regarding COVID vaccinations for children.

A statement written in HaRav Chaim’s name and reviewed by him stated: “In response to principals of mosdos, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky responded regarding the issue of COVID vaccines: ‘Definitely order the vaccines to the Talmudei Torah and schools and [the children] should be vaccinated.'”

The instructions are causing quite a stir in Chareidi society since there has been a very low turnout to the pediatric vaccination campaign among Israelis in general, and in the Chareidi population in particular. As of last week, only 10% of all Israeli children aged 5-11 in the general population were vaccinated, and only 1.9% of children in the Chareidi sector were vaccinated.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. Any parent parent failing to comply with this directive is guilty of child cruelty and must loose custody of their child and be imprisoned for child endangerment

  2. Yeah yeah we know
    Rabbis family speaks for him and all the charedim know it- otherwise they would be listening
    None of them believe it
    What is yanky getting in return I’d love to know

  3. They probably told him no lock down if they take Vax. What did NOT tell him… They plan on ANYWAY locking everyone down again and again…

  4. Sounds like anytime someone uses the magic word מרן it means that you must accept that Rav Chaim said it and that its הלכה למשה מסיני.

  5. Well, the Rav couldn’t be more explicit. If some of these anti-vaxers here on YWN want to ignore the Rav, claim he is senile and being manipulated by his advisors, the letter is a forgery or simply claim he is wrong and his advice should be disregarded thats fine. But don’t be a hypocrite and otherwise insist on the “infallibility” of Gadolim and daas torah on all issues

  6. This is a big lie and bizayon. They are abusing the name of such a freil Tzaddik. He never gave any psak. It’s all propaganda. His own daughter said R’ Chaim barely recognizes her. Someone there is making a lot of money to arrange all this sheker. People are not standing for it anymore. R’ Chaim never ever gave any psak for the klal to vaccinate anyone. The vaccine changes the DNA and will kill you. Be very very careful before poisoning your precious loved ones’ bloodstreams. Do research. Don’t get fooled by horrible sicko politicians.

  7. His grandson his deceiving him. Ch”v to say anything about R’ Chaim, but it’s a davar yeduah that everyone has to speak through Yanky K. I wouldn’t trust anything being said by R’ Chaim unless it came out of his mouth.

  8. If only the doctors would have gone around to Gedolim to push doctors to treat patients early with the myriad of proven therapeutics we would have saved so many lives

  9. There are so many conflicting and contradictory reports about what is coming out of R’ Chaim’s house and everything related to Covid in general. As Jews, we can not base a psak on a media article or a video. Keep in mind that R’ Chaim himself never took the vaccine.

  10. These irreligious ministry of health people who are controlled by money and by Pfizer have been pushing their false narratives upon Rav Kanievsky. It is well known that Rav Kanievsky shlita is well advanced in years and his mind is often feeble, which is unfortunately a natural phenomenon in some of the very elderly. By admission of his own daughter, he doesn’t always recognize her, so how could we accept his saying yes, when he is manipulated by one false narrative, as a psak for the entire world? Unfortunately, these G-dless irreligious Eruv Rav are taking advantage of the Gadol Hador and using him as a puppet to push their agenda by giving the Gadol Hador false information. We see the vaccines are failing grandly, how triple-vaccinated people are still getting covid and often dying and most people in hospitals in critical condition are the vaccinated ones. Most unvaccinated have already gotten covid and have lifetime natural immunity. We have already witnessed so many vaccine deaths and injuries and miscarriages throughout the globe and especially in our own frum communites. Studies by real independent peer-reviewed scientists such as Dr. Harvey Riche, epidemiologist -Yale University, Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist – Baylor University, Texas, Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho, Dr. Michael Yeadon from the UK – former executive of Pfizer, Dr. Geer Vanden Boscche from Belgium who worked for GAVI, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky – Mt. Sinai Hospital trained pediatrician, American Front Line Doctors, FLCCC and too many more to mention here, have proven that normal healthy children only suffer mildly if they get covid, they are not super-spreaders, and they develop a lifelong immunity against variants. It is also well-known that covid is a very manageable and curable illness when treated early with cheap FDA approved repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or alternatively with a natural bioflavanoid, Quercetin along with zinc, vitamin c, vitamin d3 and so many natural herbs, enzymes that are out there. The reason all this is being surpressed is because big pharma and all the players in this PLANdemic such as Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, and the CDC, NIH,NAID, FDA, WHO, etc., aside from huge profits in the trillions of dollars being made, they want to force every human from cradle to grave to be injected with the toxins in the vaccines such as spike proteins, graphene oxide, nanoparticles, hydrogel in order to reach their ultimate goal of mass depopulation by 2030 (The Great Reset – New World Order) and for those who are lucky to survive to be turned into transhumans that can be tracked, traced, controlled and enslaved by the “elites” by turning the human body into a 5G wifi receptor to be global by the internet of all things.
    Do your own real research. It’s all out there and many people are starting to wake up already.

  11. Of course, that will be Rav Chaim’s psak since he was told the following lie:
    “Dr. Zarka presented data to Rav Chaim regarding the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, and the fact that the morbidity is largely among children who have not been able to get vaccinated so far.” (See Matzav article on this subject)

    The above statement by Dr. Zarka is not true because we all know that children are the least vulnerable when it comes to this virus. Vaccinating children will harm them needlessly because we do not know the long-term effect of these “vaccines.”

  12. Please delete Dr. Zarka’s name in both paragraphs from my post as I should not have said Loshen Hara on this particular doctor.
    Thank you.

  13. OpaOmi – You are spouting insane and debunked conspiracy theories, most of which are rooted in antisemitism. I hope you get the help you need.

  14. If HaRav Chaim Kanievsky said something in disagreement with the majority of medical professionals I would consider ignoring his words. However the vast majority of physicians and other medical professionals are in agreement with him.

  15. I didn’t know yidden accounted for such a large percentage of the anti-vax crazies running around as evidenced by a scan of these comments. Probably not a long-term issue, though, if the pandemic persists and they follow their own eitzah

  16. Afra lepunei on OpaOmi!!!!!!! Even if you have some kind of anti vaxxing shita, why speak like that about the gadol HAdor! I know people that are there (by R Chaim) regularly, and what she is saying is sheker muchlat!!!!!!! Chutzpah!!! This comment does not belong on any site that has the word Yeshiva in its title!!! Regardless of your vaccine Shita, speaking like that on GEdolei Yisroel does not belong in debate among yereim ushleimim.

    She has more faith in Zelenko who shows a gun and threatens murder than in the gedolei Hador??

  17. I think if some people hear suspect that a Gadol is being abused by someone, you should go visit him immediately and clarify the issue – either personally, or through a trusted person. I am sure most of us know someone who lives “in town”.

  18. In the initial 2 years of Covid we lost gedolim.and Rabbonim, amongst many regular yidden to this disease.

    Now we are faced with losing our Gedolim by the anti-vax who would rather declare R Chaim shlita senile (afra lepumei) than accept what he has clearly said regarding vaccines since the beginning.

    All yourselves a simple question: Given that R Chaim, along with the rest of the world knows what Covid and vaccines do, why hasn’t there been a single recording, or notice of R Chaim saying to avoid vaccines? Why has be consistently and unfailingly said the same thing: follow the majority of medical advice and take the vaccine and treat Covid seriously.

    I went into R Chaim not long ago. I wrote my request on a peice of paper. He read it and have me a clear answer. Yomim al yemei melech toisif.

  19. Eizuhu apikores hamevazeh Talmidei chachamim. Hizaharu begachalasan shelo tichveh. (And accusing family and mekuravim is an old trick of the satan as Rabbi Akiva Eiger said in his time – it destroys the entire concept of having Gedolim lead us)

  20. @kavod Habriot “The vaccine changes the DNA and will kill you.”

    Funny how over 60% of Americans are fully vaccinated, yet I don’t see people dying in large numbers.

  21. Everyone should do whatever their gadol/Rebbe/Rav says to do, and even if they die thereby ח״ו, they’ll probably go on to eternal life by virtue of their pure emunah;) The Rebbe says that vaccines can be taken if they come from reputable, trustworthy (ie accountable for injuries etc) companies and if they have had ample testing with positive results. Since none of these are in place, I wouldn’t go near the covid vaccine with a ten foot pole. Knowing this statement from the Rebbe was the beginning and end of the whole discussion for my family. Love the comment above btw – I feel the same way about my Rebbe – may ה׳ add days to the life of the king! And if anyone has any doubt of what they should do they can pick up pen & paper and ask the Rebbe via Igros Kodesh (as the Rebbe advised us to open sifrei Kodesh in a time that we can’t physically visit the Rebbe for guidance). I’ve received wondrous and even life-saving guidance from the Rebbe on many occasions and I trust absolutely that he will never lead me or anyone who turns to him in simple faith and humility astray. And if you doubt my words, “taamu u’reu…” Yechi Hamelech Hamoshiach!!

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