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DM Barak Calling for Stiffer Sanctions Against Iran

Defense Minister Ehud Barak in a meeting in Washington with Defense Secretary Robert Gates that the international community must place stiffer sanctions on Iran as efforts continue to halt Tehran’s nuclear enrichment program.

The two senior officials discussed other threats facing Israel today, including Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas, and the failure of the international community to compel Hizbullah to comply with UN Resolution 1701, the Second Lebanon War ceasefire resolution demanding the terror organization disarm.

Barak warned his American counterpart that Iran’s continued build up of weaponry is destabilizing the region and poses a threat to the international community. He added that all options must remain on the table, perhaps hinting again at a military strike, which America opposes at this time, insisting the diplomatic option has not yet been played out.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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