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Jerusalem Parking Inspector Assaulted

Jerusalem parking inspector Ilan Benita was assaulted on Tuesday as he began writing a summons for an illegally parked vehicle.

“Suddenly”, explains Benita, “I felt something behind me and I was grabbed by the throat and he began choking me. He than grabbed the computer [used to write the summons] and shouted ‘I will pull out my gun and kill you’. I was in a state of shock.”

He reports that he saw a chareidi man in his 50s fleeing the scene and simultaneously brandishing a handgun. Police did not apprehend him but an investigation is underway.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Considering the respect chareidim typically show for traffic laws, I’m not surprised.

    I think I’m the only one who regularly *thanks* the parking inspectors when they work on Malchei Yisrael street – where chareidim parking their cars on the street / sideway cause huge problems for both pedestrians and buses.

    I wish the police / parking inspectors would finally show the appropriate attention for the daily traffic chaos in Geulah, caused by chareidim who park their cars in the middle of the street, enter roads which are closed to cars, etc.

    Did you know that you CAN NOT go from Yechezkel past Kikar Blumenthal towards Kikar Shabbos, because that part is closed for cars?

    Did you know that you CAN NOT enter Malchei Yisrael by car from Kikar Shabbos, because that part is closed for cars?

    Chareidim destroyed and twisted the traffic signs indicating these things.

    I don’t think there is any part of the Israeli public which blatantly violates all traffic rules like chareidim do. We could learn even from the Arabs!

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