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Mossad Agent’s Sister To Yeshivah Bochurim: “I Was Moved To Tears”

Menachem Cohen/Twitter

A group of yeshivah bochurim from the Chabad yeshivah in Vienna spent their summer break in Italy, during which they made a siyum on 20 masechtos l’illui nishmas Agent M., the Mossad agent who drowned to death in Italy’s Lake Maggiore in a boat accident about three months ago.

They made the siyum in the area where the boat sank. The Rosh Yeshivah said: “We don’t know almost anything about Agent M. except the first letter of his first name and snippets that his friends shared. However, we know this: this is a man who was moser nefesh to save lives in Israel and abroad, in his life and death…this is our humble opportunity to finish about 20 masechtos in his memory, and simply say one word: Thank you!”

Following the publication of photos and videos of the event, the Mossad agent’s sister sent an emotional letter to the bochurim expressing her gratitude and appreciation on behalf of her family.

“Dear Yeshivas Chabad students,” she wrote. “I was moved to tears watching the very moving video of the siyum as part of your summer trip to Milan.”

“To see the dedication and strength in this mission in which you chose to perpetuate the memory of my dear brother M. – in this act, you are a human bouquet that floats on the surface of the lake.”

“On behalf of my family and myself, I want to thank you and express my great appreciation. I hope it will be possible for me to come to Vienna to meet you.”

Menachem Cohen/Twitter

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. I got Chabad all wrong.

    I always thought Chabad was great at kiruv. I was mistaken.

    I thought Chabad stands for getting yidden to do mitzvos. I was wrong.

    Chabad stands for true ahavas yisroel, just pure simple live for other yidden.

    The kiruv, outreach, tefillin are just Chabad’s way of telling other yidden, we live you, we care about you.

    And they cared about this unknown meis mitzva, and made a siyum on 20 mesechtos l’iluy nishmoso, because they love every Jew.

  2. I got Chabad all wrong.

    I always thought Chabad was great at kiruv. I was mistaken.

    I thought Chabad stands for getting yidden to do mitzvos. I was wrong.

    Chabad stands for true ahavas yisroel, just pure simple love for other yidden.

    The kiruv, outreach, tefillin are just Chabad’s way of telling other yidden, we love you, we care about you.

    And they cared about this unknown meis mitzva, and made a siyum on 20 mesechtos l’iluy nishmoso, because they love him and every other Jew too.

  3. “habochur hachoshuv”, you saw the word “Chabad” and foam drooled from your rabid mouth as you joined tge ranks of sonei yisroel that howl at the moon with hatred against yidden. You are in the fine company of those who עמדו עלינו לכלותינו.

    I pray for you to rejoin klal yisroel, for we have a natural love for our fellow yidden, even reshoyim like you, who disregards the klal godol baTorah of ואהבת לריעך כמוך.

    Maybe one day a Chabad or Breslov bochur will get you yo accept this mitzva עשה and prevent you from the prohibition of לא תשנא אחיך בלבבך.

    It’s Chidesh Ellul, isn’t it time for you to do teshuva?!

    Till then, shame on you and shame on the parents that produced you.

  4. Habachur hachashuv, what can be further than the emes and the derech hatorah than calling yourself habachur hachashuv? (It’s also not classy..)

  5. I think Rebbitzin G got it right in her first (and 2nd) post, but it is sad that such a beautiful story should lead to such ugly words from her (him?) and the others who responded to the negative baseless and foolish comments. The naysayers in this case have nothing to say, as is obvious to any Jew with a soul, and is made more clear by their silly, irrelevant remarks, and should be ignored here.

    But this story is even more beautiful than just the Ahavas Yisroel shown. It shows a wise Rosh Yeshiva, who utilized a summer break for his high-school and young Beis Medrash bochurim, which usually is just a “break”, and turned it into greatness for them, giving them a true lesson in Mitzvah goreres Mitzvah, and implanting in their hearts the recognition of how wonderful it is to accomplish great things. The story doesn’t mention his name, but I’d like to meet him…

  6. I join many great rabbanim and roshei yeshiva who have taught us very clearly what is right and wrong and one thing they all agree is that chabbad is not just wrong but dangerous.
    Rebbitzin go pick your nose!

  7. Frumwhere, we are obligated to denounce evil ובערת הרעה מקרבך to prevent others from following their evil ways.

    We are also obligated to reproach evil doers and point out their evil ways הוכח תוכיח עמיתך.

    Ignoring evil can lead to it becoming c”v normalized behavior, that expressing hate against other Jews is ok.

    To be an anti-semite one need not hate every jew. Many anti-semites proudly say that among their best friends is a jew. Hating a group of jews, a community of jews, a kehilah – qualifies someone as an anti-semite.

    In Hebrew we call an anti-semite a שונא ישראל, which is at the furthest end of the spectrum from אהבת ישראל.

    When someone openly ברבים ובפרהסיה speaks evil against yidden, he disgraces and shames himself, and his parents that created such garbage (since garbage must cone from garbage), and his rebbeim that had such a garbage student (and therefore they too must be garbage).

    (I use the term “garbage” as לשון נקיה, instead of the appropriate word – manure).

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