Iran Rapidly Approaching the Point of No Return

According to Leonid Reznikov, who heads the project to ready Iran’s nuclear facility in Bushehr, the Russian firm is entering the final stage of the project, which by the end of 2008 will have reached the point of no return.

Atomstroiexport spokesperson Irene Yesipova stated that talks between Russia and Iran would determine the date on which the nuclear facility would be launched. It appears payment issues play a role in reaching this date in the over $1 billion project.

While the United States and the European Union have had harsh criticism for Russia’s building of the facility, the international sanctions have done nothing to halt the project, which Israel continues to warn will pose a threat to the region as well as the free world.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. the world cries out to do something, and nothing gets done. the russians are very smart. they created a diversionary tactic in georgia, which pre occupies the minds of all the nations of the world and they don’t put their mind on iran.

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