Early Shabbos morning, an Arab youth armed with a knife infiltrated the Shalhevet neighborhood of Yishuv Yitzhar in Shomron, leading to knife wounds to 9-year-old Tuvia Stessman, who was treated by MDA medics on the scene. An empty home was also set ablaze in the brazen attack.
Responding to yet another attack by area Arabs, an unspecified number of Yitzhar residents entered the nearby Arab village of Asira al-Kabaliye, where they believe the attacker came from, and according to reports, fired weapons and damaged property.
According to media reports, two Arabs were wounded by the gunfire and they were transported to PA (Palestinian Authority) hospitals in a Red Crescent ambulance. The army reportedly confiscated the weapons of two Yitzhar residents in response to the retaliatory attack.
The response from the political left-wing was harsh, with Arab MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi calling the Yitzhar residents “two-legged animals, vigilantes and law-breakers”.
Meretz MK Zahava Gal-On made a direct appeal to Defense Minister Ehud Barak, calling upon him to deal with the “violent settlers”. Peace Now call is calling on authorities to take the weapons away from Yitzhar residents.
Israel Police stated it lacks the manpower to deal with law-breakers such as those who responded on Shabbos to the attack. The army stated efforts are underway to apprehend those responsible.
Officials of the Chomesh First organization released a statement that the IDF should take an example of how one deals with terror from the Yitzhar residents, who are unwilling to remain the victim.
Danny Dayan, the head of the Yesha Settlement Council, decried the response from the left-wing, who are calling on the army and police to take away the self-defense weapons from Yitzhar residents but they failed to even condemn the stabbing attack which left a small child injured.
The attack was not the first in the Shomron community, with Arabs in recent months setting fire to their fields on a number of occasions.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
6 Responses
Little Tuvya is our hero.
He surpasses little Dutch Hans who put a finger on a hole in the embankment so the seawater would not drown Holland. Tuvya BROKE the knife of a terrorist. Is this a miracle child? Like young David fighting Goliath. May this child be blessed with every blessing. Does no one think of presenting him with some citation? With lighting a torch at Yom Ha’atxmaut?
honestly..the settlers didnt save anyone, they just went and broke shabbos for, to be honest, no reason – peace now and their cohorts are sick, twisted minds, and they are totally wrong, however the retaliation was wrong because it violated shabbos – plus, revenge like that doesn do any good, and is hisgarus beumos.
Those settlers have my support. If the government basically left you out to be slaughtered, what other choices do you have? I would like to see more areas in Eretz Yisroel stand up to those bullies. Maybe Hamass will think twice before entering those villages. And as for the left supporting our enemies, throw them all in jail, and charge them for treason. Enough is enough, how much more Yiddisha blood has to be spilled until something is done?
To proud of KAJ WH TIDE
I don’t believe the settlers who attacked the arab village were Torah-jews as this does not seem like a situation of Pikuach Nefesh that warrants Chilul Shabos…
proud of KAJ WH TIDE, huh?
“If the police and army cannot deal with this in Eretz Yisroel, how are we supposed to be safe anywhere[?]”
Why does the power and/or actions of Zionists reflect on how safe anyone is anywhere outside of Eretz Yisrael?
Besides, of course the police and army CAN deal with the situation, but Zionism has its own issues and politics, and they, obviously, choose not to deal with it. What country gives guns to its arch-enemy? What State tries its hardest to give away its ancestral holy places to its enemies? The list goes on.
It’s obviously not a question of ability, but rather politics and policies, which, by the way, shows the utter futility of Kochi ViOtzem Yadi, since, with all the power and technological advancements the IDF has, these savages are still able to do their thing, R”L L”A.
May Hashem protect all His children wherever they are, and may He bring the true geula, bimheira viyameinu, Amein.
As usual.Jewish blood is cheap,even to our own.The Israeli seculars would not react this way if these people were not Torah-Jews. This incident is NOT a criminal matter,it is an act of terrorism and aggression by an enemy.
I hope the poor child has a refua sh’leima and that this outrage will not happen again. If the polic e and army cannot deal with this in Eretz Yisroel,how are we supposed to be safe anywhere,We must daven to Hashem for His protection.