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Military Police Arrive At Homes Of 3 Yeshiva Bochurim In Haifa

Illustrative. Military police car. (Photo: 970 Haifa website)

Military police officers arrived at the homes of three yeshiva bochurim in the Ramat Vizhnitz neighborhood of Haifa on Wednesday morning.

The police officers arrived around 9:00 a.m. in a civilian car, presumably to catch them by surprise.

The officers knocked on the doors of several homes on Makor Baruch Street but returned to their vehicle empty-handed as the bochurim were not at home. The bochurim had received several draft notices but had failed to report to the recruitment center.

Following the surprise visit, yeshiva bochurim from the local community were instructed not to go outside.

According to the Chareidi 970 Haifa news website, several 17-year-old yeshiva bochurim living in the city received calls on Tuesday from the IDF regarding their failure to report to enlistment centers after receiving initial draft orders. Their parents were instructed to ensure the bochurim appeared immediately at recruitment centers.

Defense Minister Yisrael Katz presented an outline of a Chareidi draft law at a Knesset meeting on Tuesday calling for the enlistment of 50% of bnei yeshivos within seven years and the implementation of personal sanctions against lomdei Torah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. @lbj – please don’t refer to these Yeshiva Bachurim as Reshaim – they are misguided, but not Reshaim.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. יונים נקבצו עלי- Goyim who speak Hebrew come to arrest Yeshiva bochurim.
    The wicked Zionist are building are now going to build a wall to prevent tank fire but as we know…
    אם ה’ לא ישמור עיר שאו שקד שומר.
    The Kippa Serugoes have become cannon fodder.

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