Avoid Kidnapping of a Soldier at Any Price

Directives pertaining to steps to avoid the kidnapping of an IDF soldier during Operation Cast Lead were dramatically changed, with the military taking a clear position, that efforts to prevent another Gilad Shalit must be stepped-up.

One company commander who has served in Gaza in the past stated the orders used to be to “stop a vehicle” containing terrorists and an abducted soldier but this time, they were instructed “to fire at the vehicle” despite the risk, to ensure another soldier does not fall into enemy hands.

One soldier from an elite unit operating deep in Gaza added, “We were equipped with advanced techniques and were instructed to use them if need be to prevent a vehicle from fleeing the area with an abducted soldier”. Golani and Givati Brigade soldier also report their commander instructed them to avoid kidnappings at any price.

One Givati soldier added that his company commander instructed them to avoid falling into enemy hands “at all costs,” stating “We don’t need another Gilad Shalit”. A company commander confirmed the information, stating “I instructed soldiers to avoid falling into enemy hands at all costs, telling them ‘even if you do not come out of it alive’”.

Israel’s Channel 10 News on Sunday night aired a video with a battalion commander telling his troops as they were about to enter Gaza, “Hamas’ weapon is to kidnap another soldier. A soldier of the 51st battalion will not fall into enemy hands even if it means blowing up a grenade together with the terrorist who is trying to abduct you”.

During the Gaza War there were a number of recorded attempts by Hamas to abduct soldiers. Golani Brigade Commander Colonel Avi Peled reported there were many tunnels dug under homes in the hope of using them to abduct soldiers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Given that the Palestinians virtually never release a living prisoner, it is rational for Israeli soldiers to fight to the death when captured since they will die anyways. Palestinian soldiers, on the other hand, know they will be will treated and therefore are going to be likely to surrender peacefully and without inflicting additional harm on Israeli soldiers.

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