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24 Israelis Stuck in Mexico City

mci.jpgA group of 24 Israelis are stuck in Mexico City, unable to move up their departure back home. They are set to leave Mexico on Thursday. It appears all flights out are booked well past capacity.

Golan Lovnov of Akko Tours explains it is the last of his groups to return, breathing a sigh of relief that there are no other groups stranded in Mexico as the swine flu appears to continue spreading, having claimed at least 149 lives.

The group consists of 22 tourists and 2 tour guides. Lovnov explains they are calm, adding there are two senior physicians included among them, one being a hospital administrator. There are also a number of nurses in the group.

Daphne Eshkol, one of the tour guides accompanying the group explains they did not even feel the earthquake on Monday, only learning of it later, when they phoned Israel.
The group is receiving instructions from Israel, and they understand they are too wash their hands frequently, and to wear masks when going outdoors whenever required.

“If it was worse, they would remain closed down in the hotel but it appears this is not necessary, with the doctors in the group telling them that for the most part, they should continue as usual” stated Lovnov.

In the meantime, tour operators report they are inundated with phone calls from travelers requesting to postpone or cancel travel plans abroad.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. How bad is the economic downturn in Israel when so many still have the discretionary income to engage in the machlah called “tourism”? Those who are m’kayaim “ashrei yoshvei vaisecha” don’t need to worry about swine flu. Yet further proof that wealth can be fatal.

  2. The health ministry should charter an empty plane and send to mexico city to pick up these folks. Then they should be quarantined. We don’t need yidden dying over this.

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