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Netanyahu: Iran is More Urgent than Outposts

bibi6.jpgDuring a Likud faction meeting on Monday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told party members that the Iran issue is far more urgent than anything else, calling on them not to focus on the outposts.

The prime minister warned that we are living in auspicious times, facing a growing threat, one that no other nation has known in the past. He stressed that his first responsibility is to guarantee the future of the nation, to properly identify the threat and make the correct decisions to neutralize the threat at the correct time.

He explained that there are essential issues that may compel Israel to remove some of the outposts in the future towards enlisting America’s undivided attention on the Iran issue. “If we do not lead the defense from this danger, who will? Asked the prime minister rhetorically, confirming reports that there are differences in the approach regarding Iran between his administration and US President Barak Obama.

On a positive note, he stated that he and the White House are in total agreement regarding talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and Arab neighbors.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. doesnt this fall into the category of “never negotiate with terrorists”. so instead theyre using israel in between to deal with the arabs. the reason gilad is alive is because they didn’t get what they want, once they do why not kill him chas vishalom!!!

  2. If Iran is so important, why is his government diverting attention and resources to take down the outposts? Whom are the outposts bothering? Aderaba, he has just given the best argument against his own actions.

  3. We know nothing, compared to what’s really going on behind the scenes. The politicians and the media are publishing only what they want us to know.

    But it is our responsibility to work on our midos and improve the “ani” within. Shavuos is around the corner, and learning all night is fine and dandy, but what then – actions count much more “U’shmartem et Briti” “V’tihi’u li l’goy kadosh” That’s what H-Shem is wanting from us. We have to spread the word about “bein adam L’chavero” this is something we really have to work at together. B’hatzlacha!

  4. Why does the US send our troops to fight America’s terrorists but expects Israel to cede land to it’s terrorists?

    The USA is off the wall on it’s Middle East policy.

  5. Did Bibi ever think that just maybe by showing HaKadosh Baruch Hu that we are machshiv Eretz Yisrael, that we recognize the importance and the kedusha of all these “outposts”, that by proudly telling the world that these places are part of OUR HOLY LAND, that a show of that kind of bitachon will bring HaSh*m’s help with the Iran situation!?!

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