Egged Halts Service to Meah Shearim – Community Angered

Egged halted bus service to Meah Shearim, a move that has community residents and leaders angered, explaining that even after the violence ceased and the mother was released from jail, service on erev shabbos and motzei shabbos did not resume.

Jerusalem Councilman  Shlomo Rosenstein, who is responsible for the transportation portfolio, has called on residents and to file official complaints for each bus that does not appear on scheduled, vowing to use his influence to have the Ministry of Transportation hold Egged responsible for its actions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. These events all seem to be leading up to Bias HaMashiach. Jerusalem is the topic in the room that no one ever wants to address. Things are being brought to a head. An argument between the US and Israel regarding buying land and houses in Jerusalem is the stuff of Chumash. Brace thyselves.

  2. they should be using mehadrin bus service and not the treif services (at a subsdised price) provided by the evil zionist goverment!

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