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Kenos of Gedolei HaDor Lasts 40 Minutes

nka.jpgMonday’s kenos of Gedolei Yisrael Shlita held in the Moriah Classic [formally the Novotel] Hotel in Yerushalayim last 40 minutes. Some of the Gedolim seen exiting included the Erlau Rebbe Shlita, Nadvorna Rebbe Shlita, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Shlita and Rav M. Lefkowitz Shlita. Rav Mayer Horowitz Shlita was representing his father, the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita. Heading the kenos was Maran Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. Sitting at his side was Maran Rav Aryeh Yehuda Leib Shteinman and HaGaon Rav Nissim Karelitz Shlita.  

In attendance were gedolim affiliated primarily with Degel HaTorah, the Litvish stream, with many admorim not attending. There is already a voice being heard from Gur, that the kenos only represented the Degel Camp and therefore, it does not comply with the law since Agudat Yisrael was not in attendance.

Agudah elder Rav Menachem Porush Shlita told Kol Chai Radio that the kenos did indeed change the legal status of Chinuch Atzmai, making it a legal entity in compliance with relevant Israeli laws. To date, the organization was under Ottoman laws and Rav Porush explained this has now been corrected. 

The kenos was hailed as in compliance with Israeli law, addressing legalities regarding Chinuch Atzmai’s status as a non-profit.

Additional info along with photos of this event will be posted later today I”H.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. This kenos might be legal in term of Israeli law but is not legal in terms of halacho nor yoisher. This is what exacerbated the disagreements and sinaas chinom that Porush so egregiously continues to advance. Chinuch Atzmai was an original Agudas Yisroel project and affiliated entity, following daas Torah as decided by the Moetzes of the Aguda which included the chasidishe admorim. Porush is dividing klal yisroel by adamantly forging ahead and creating ill will between the admorim and the litvish gedolim. There should not exist an entity called Degel Hatorah altogether. The Aguda was founded equally by admorim of Poland, roshei yeshiva and rabbonim of lithuania, and the gedolim of germany. This was true achdus of klal yisroel. Porush is making a power grab by excluding admorim and the Aguda from any discussions and decisions regarding Chinuch Atzmai. Somebody should remind Porush that the concept of Mi Sheporah still applies and will apply to him as well.

  2. Why didn’t the Gedolim of Agudas Yisroel attend? It seems that they were invited.
    Please don’t answer me that the Admorim came on time – an hour late and it ended after 40 minutes.
    Seriously why wasn’t the Gerrer Rebbe there and other Admorim from Agudah? I’m not sure who are the Gedolim on Agudah in Eretz Yisroel, I thought the Erlau Rebbe and the Bostoner were with Agudah. Can we get the whole story?

  3. #3
    Yes, the previous news item related to this mentioned Rav Ahron Schechter, Rav Dovid Feinstein and I forgot the name of the third Gadol.

  4. theprof1 – there are times when silence is the best policy. I believe that this is one of those times. As a Gadol B’Torah once remarked when asked his opinion regarding a machlokes between to Gedolim, “Machlokes Gedolim!! DON’T GET INVOLVED!!!!”.

  5. Unfortunately, the achdus of Agudas Yisroel was destroyed when a leading Admor decided that the Agudah was a tool his community had come to control in the effort to help themselves.

    Rav Shach Zt’l was left with no choice other than to found Degel which in reality is the real Agudas Yisroel!

    Chinuch Atzmai stands as a monument to the destruction this same Chassidic community has wrought within the torah world. Instead of being the vehicle by which newly observant or out-of-town communities might have a Torah chinuch for their children, Chinuch Atzmai was hijacked by the aforementioned sect to be used as their personal job agency and as a source of funds for their own schools. It is a travesty to note that while these people renovated their own institutions in Yerushalayin and Bnai Brak the schools in Beit Shean, Dimona and elsewhere were left to fall in to disrepair; a fact that turned away many would-be parents.

    Rav Pam Zt’l, the President of Chinuch Atzmai, when faced with the refusal of the Chinuch Atzmai powers-that-be to steer funding toward the newly arriving Russian population, resigned as Nasi and started SHUVU to do the job Chinuch Atzmai should have been doing.

    When Lev L’Achim tapped in to the vast as-yet secular population with their PROJECT RISHUM and had thousands of children ready to go to Torah schools but faced opposition from Chinuch Atzmai who refused to expand schools or to open new schools, Rav Shteinman -with the cooperation of the Gerrer Rebbe- founded Keren Nesivos Moshe to pay for the new schools that were created to absorb the children of the Rishum (enrollment).

    That aforementioned sect has been busy fighting with everyone else in an effort to show they are boss! They have witheld funds from SHUVU and inserted their people to positions there. They have fought to get their people in to positions in Nesivos Moshe. They have fought and fought until every Gadol in the world has become disgusted with them.

    The brilliant move by the remaining Board members of Chinuch Atzmai, now approved and made legal by the unprecedented joint effort of the Gedolei HaDor, will hopefully lead to a revamped Chinuch Atzmai; an entity that will live up to the ideals of Rav Aharon Kotler Zt’l and those who founded it.

    So don’t allow anyone to yell “Porush”. That strategy only worked when that chassidic group sought to punish the Porushes for their work to save Chinuch Atzmai and presented Klal Yisroel with Mayor Barkat and all that the suffering and Chilul Shabbos he brought with him.

    The American Gedolim, including Rav Aharon Shechter, Rav David Feinstein, Rav Aharon Feldman, Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Yosef Harari-Raful, who flew to attend this meeting, are all the proof anyone needs over who is right and what is the true Daas Torah.

  6. #9, Your comment reminds of a famous vort. Where Koirach tells Moishe Rebbeinu ” Maduah Tisnasu al K’hal Hashem”? meaning, Why are you so arrogant and lording over Klal Yisroel? This is the same Moshe Rabbeinu about whom Hashem Yisborach himself proclaims “Anav Meekal Adam” and Koirach brazenly declares that Moishe R’ is a bal gaiveh. Exactly as you are doing with that “sect”. EVERY WORD THAT YOU WROTE IS EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH. It’s a shame that this terrible sinas chinam is taking place at all but especially in these days. I hope and pray that you and your family don’t pay the price reserved for ba’alei machlokes did.

  7. My question is why Rav Aharon Shechter, Rav David Feinstein, Rav Aharon Feldman, Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Yosef Harari-Raful had t ogo to Eretz Yisroel for a 40 minute conference? Couldn’t they have set up a teleconference?

  8. #11
    Can you tell us the truth? Why didn’t Chinuch Atzmai do the job of Shuvu and Keren Nesivos Moshe? Why did Rav Pam leave Chinuch Atzmai? Please clarify the story and share with everyone the truth that you know.

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