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Israel: Psychiatric Evaluation for Mom Within 24 Hours

During the Monday afternoon hearing in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, the attorney for the so-called Munchausen mom explained his client will undergo a psychiatric evaluation within 24 hours, permitting her continued released to house arrest.
The court earlier in the day was reportedly angered, with Justice Shulamit Doron questioning why this was not done since it was one of the stipulations of her house arrest release on erev shabbos. Defense attorney Reuven Bar Chaim explained why this has not been done yet, adding his client is not afraid to undergo the evaluation.
Earlier in the day, Rav Dovid Smeidal, the Eida Chareidit’s emissary escorting the entire matter, told the court that the mother will agree to the evaluation only after her son is transferred from Hadassah to Schneider Children’s Hospital and only after she is permitting to see her children.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. In “advanced” countries, a parent can choose which hospital their child is hospitalized in.

    Though Hadassah seems to be none to anxious to lose control of the situation, which from their perspective is a understandable.

  2. akuperma: you ought to move to the pa, or some arab country. do you really think a hospital like haddasa would waste their time with some woman from mea shiarim? what about the poor child?

  3. ראשוני! האם מירושלים עברה את הבדיקה הפסיכיאטרית
    אברמי שיינברגר / כ”ט תמוז ה’תשס”ט – 21 יולי 2009 / 02:00
    30 תגובות |
    ל’קצר’ נודע כי האם מירושלים עברה לפני מס’ דקות את הבדיקה הפסיכיאטרית, במרפאה של ד”ר יעקב וייל ולא בביתו של פרויליך כפי שהיה אמור להיות בתחילה.
    האם הגיעה הלילה לבדיקה כשהיא מלווה באחת מבנותיו של אברהם פרויליך, הבדיקה נעשתה הערב לבקשת בני המשפחה כדי למנוע מכלי תקשורת וגורמים שונים להפריע לאישה ביציאה לבדיקה, תוצאות הבדיקה יבואו בהמשך.

  4. I wonder who the psychiatrist is.. Is it another corrupt Israeli Official who would even before seeing her make an evaluation that she’s mentally ill?

  5. Ok, well also, in many advanced societies, parents who allegedly starved their children don’t make demands on the government before following court orders. Or have violent riots on their behalf to get special exceptions to the legal system.

  6. In “advanced” countries, parents under a cloud of suspicion for child abuse, don’t get to decide much about where there children will be or won’t be, especially if they “demand” permission to see them “before” psychiatric evaluation.

  7. Akuperma, when the state steps in to investigate or prosecute allegations of abuse or neglect, the parent loses decision making authority over the child. That’s what’s meant by parens patriae. This allegedly abusive mother has no rights vis-a-vis her children right now.

  8. #1 I agree with #2 that your point is well made.

    The doctor has no right to go against the wishes of the father unless they concocted another medical issue on him.

    #3 The “poor child” got sicker after all the chemo that was injected in him and then they blamed the mother. Why not? Much easier than blaming themselves and admitting to what they’ve done.

    Do you realize that the Israelis want to frame this woman and put her under psychiatric help and torture because she brought the hospital of Hadassah Ein Kerem’s atrocities to public awareness JUST LIKE THEY PERSECUTED Rabbi Uzi Meshulam, imprisoned him and released him as a vegetable after 5 years in jail because he exposed the truth of the horrors and barbarity the Israeli regime and associates had done with the Yemenite children. And they are still after Rabbi Meshulam’s oldest son.

    Can you blame the chareidim for rioting? Realize, there are rules accepted by the international communities. During peace time there are certain acts which are illegal and condemned. But if a country declares war on another country, different laws apply. These laws are accepted worldwide. When a country is at war, the military destroys the enemies military installations and equipment, kills the soldiers or captures them. Damaging the enemies resources is acceptable. Israel did this to its enemies in Gaza and Lebanon, destroying power-lines, damaging their water supply and brought their social life into chaos. This is done in order to weaken the enemy and as a deterrent for any future hostile activities.

    The Rabbanim mentioned that the Israeli government, the police, the justice system and the social workers DECLARED WAR ON THE CHAREIDIM. Accordingly, wartime tactics were applied and hopefully the message came through that chareidim are human beings and must be treated at least like the Arabs. After all, Israel claims to be a democratic country.

  9. the least we can do is respect their privacy and not make judgements under the circumstances, just daven for the correct verdict to be passed

  10. lets not make judgements or hasten to dirty our neshamot by cursing or degrading another jew, dan l’kaf zchus, let us not pass judgements on a subject like this, most of us only know what the media is spoonfeeding us, we can only daven to Hashem and hope that the right verdict, what ever it may be is passed. throwing rocks at cars and protesting and making a spectacle of ourselves, so that even newspapers in australia are critsizing us will not help anyone or anything. by becoming violent, less people will be on our side and think that people who are happy to throw rocks at cars are happy to starve children chas veshalom, i am not passing any judgement and i do not wish to ‘side’ with anyone, but in my humble opinion, i think it is more productive to sign a peaceful petition or to stand unite as Bnei Yisrael should, because this does not endear anyone to the chareidim and Bnei Yisrael is supposed to be united, not divided, how can moshiach come when Bnei Yisrael is at a media war with each other, remember, the second bet hamikdash was destroyed with sinat chinam.

  11. #9 – I am shocked that at this time of year you can refer to your fellow jew as an enemy – is that rwally going to rebuild the Beis Hamikdash.Are you suggesting that the Charedim should go out and kill the zionists – I think you have over stepped the mark yet again.

    I also don’t understand the chochma in destroying your own neighbourhood and making life a misery for your neighbours. The majority of whom are law abiding frum yidden. This seems like idiocy to me.
    I have not heard any of the Gedolim who sanctioned the use of violence and unfortunately it created more of a Hillul hashem than showing that Charedim should be treated properly.

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