The Split Between Peleg Yerushalmi And Degel Hatorah Widens

aueA meeting took place in the home of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita on Wednesday night, the head of the Peleg Yerushalmi split off group of the litvish community. The meeting surrounded the launching of a new kindergarten network affiliated with the Peleg Yerushalmi community that will not be reliant on state funding with a long-term goal of breaking away from the state system entirely.

The new kindergartens will begin in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and Modi’in Illit with the hope of opening branches in other locations in the future.

Rav Auerbach explained that today, “The situation in education is dire for what was once understood with ease by a nine-year-old today is not understood by a 90-year-old”.

Some of the other prominent rabbonim taking part in the event include: Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Markowitz, HaRav Deutsch (Among the roshei yeshiva of Kol Torah), HaRav Rotenberg (Rosh Yeshivas Beit Meir), and HaRav Shmidel (Rosh Yeshivas Grodna).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The Peleg never wanted to be part of Degel, rather to usurp it and become the new standard of ‘leadership’ meaning fighting instead of negotiating.

    Rav Steineman shlita and Rav Kenievsky shlita are for negotiating and behaving peacefully to raise up the praise of Torah scholars and the study of Torah.

  2. To #1
    This has happened so often it should be obvious by now.
    A new kindergarten NETWORK, which means those attending a school from the other network will be deemed heretics.

  3. I totally don’t mean this in an insulting way but out of true curiosity – Whose going to be paying for these new schools? I mean, aside from the cost of procuring buildings or land and building new ones – who is going to pay for staff wages, electricity, etc.

    Assuming the majority of the parent sending their kids to these schools are avreichem they will need heavily discounted tuition, and I’m quite ignorant of the situation but I assume the litaim don’t have as many working counterparts in Chu”l to subsidize this type of thing for them as do the chassidim (am I wrong in this assumption?)

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