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We Must Save Their Home!

14 years ago, the Bar Or family went through a tragedy that no one should have to go through – they lost their 12-year-old son Avraham in a terrorist attack. They were traveling home from davening at the kotel on the #2 bus when suddenly a terrorist (who had boarded the bus dressed as a Jew) blew himself up. Dozens were killed and many more were injured. Unfortunately, Avraham Bar Or was one of the victims who lost his life.

The entire family was scarred from this horrific attack, and they have been suffering ever since from mental problem, traumas, fears, and financial hardships. Recently, they were evicted from their apartment, and they have nowhere to go. Their daughter is ready to get engaged, but the family doesn’t have money to pay for her wedding.

They set up a ChesedFund page to raise some money for a home and for their daughter’s wedding, and we are trying to spread the word to as many people as possible so that klal yisrael can help this family get back on their feet. Please consider donating to this family in need!
Thank you!

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