PCS/FDU Masters in Accounting Graduates Wins Prestigious Awards

PCS/Agudath Israel is proud of their Masters in Accounting alumni, including Moshe
Gruber, who have won the Elijah Watt Sells Award. Of the 75,000 individuals who sat for
the CPA Exam in 2019, only 133 candidates met the criteria to receive this prestigious
recognition. PCS is grateful to their top tier faculty for their dedication and commitment
to their students.

The next cohort of the M.S. in Accounting course will be starting on May 17. With a 96% placement rate and two dedicated accounting recruiters, the graduates of this course are working in top national firms since 2005.
Yeshiva/ Seminary degrees accepted.
Remote open house Sunday, April 26,   7:30 PM.
Info: Men: 732-905-9700 x 665 or [email protected]
Women: 732-367-1500 or [email protected]

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