How Geirim are living in Israel

A family of geirim, made Aliyah without knowing anyone. No family, no friends, no one. But in their heart they knew Israel was the right place to be, so they picked up and went. The whole family, the parents with their kids, they showed up in Israel, and started to settle in, with professional jobs and more.

Then the coronavirus hit. It decimated their jobs. Their livelihood. Their ability to care for their children. These are true tzaddikim, with yiras shomayim, wonderful middos, and a number of pure children. And they cannot rely on their former family – their non-jewish relatives disowned them.


All these people have are their yiddishe brothers and sisters! The people of the nation they chose to join, but they are now destitute, and struggling to make ends meet and take care of their children!!

There is tremendous bracha in loving the geir who lives among us. How better to express our love for these truth-seekers than to help take care of their family, to help make sure their precious children are looked after?

Please, give what you can, and may Hashem watch over you and your family, blessing you with health, happiness, and the light of truth in all that you do.


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