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The Rav Who Loves the Jewish People Will Help You at the Critical Time: You are Promised a Good Life!

Promising you a gutten kvitel!

The rav who loves the Jewish people will help you at the critical time: You are promised a good life!

Your name will be mentioned at dawn on Hoshanna Rabbah, by Maran Gaon Yisroel shlita, who loves the Jewish people 

If on every day of the year, Rav Avigdor Neventzal shlita’s day is marked by 24 hours of serving his Creator with fear, it is impossible to describe what happens on Hoshanna Rabbah.

Where Rav Avigdor has sat for decades, in his small room in the holy city of Jerusalem’s Old City, looking out onto the site of the Holy Temple, the place from where the Shechinah, Hashem’s Presence, has never departed, sits the rav shlita and serves his Creator with fear of heaven, during the sacred hours of the holy day, in a heavenly order without day or night.

>>>>>>The rav who loves the Jewish people will daven for you during the time of the final seal!

From the early hours of the evening, Rav Neventzal shlita begins the day with the tikkunim and learning the hidden and revealed Torah in purity. Rav Neventzal sits for many hours involved in hidden things. He is both hidden from others, and studies the hidden Torah.

In the early morning, hours before dawn, the rav begins to daven, after this preparation, and pours out his heart for the entire Jewish people, for yeshuos for the nation in general and individuals in particular. The few people who have merited being present at this exalted event, testify to the incredible and heavenly time – no one dares to disturb the rav during these hours.

This year, something special happened. The rav shlita, who bears the sorrows, troubles, and distress of the Jewish nation in his heart, determined: The Shaveha B’tzedaka fund – will tilt the scales.

And thus, he declared that those donating to the Shaveha B’tzedaka fund will merit, and during those early morning hours, he will place their names before him for his tefillos, brochoh, and plea for a good and sweet year, for a gemar chasimah tovah and a guten kvitel for the entire year.

“The Jewish nation requires generous donors,” said the rav shlita, “and, therefore, I will make an exception and devote my precious time to daven for them.”

This revelation has had an incredible impact everywhere, with Jews hurrying to include themselves in that good and promised kvitel!

>>>>>>>>> I promise you a guten kvitel and being sealed for life!

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