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Hospital Health Tax Extremely Controversial

A proposed NIS 50 daily tax for one admitted to a hospital, NIS 25 for a chronically ill patient, is not likely to obtain approval based on the robust voice of opposition heard from lawmakers.
A meeting was held on erev Shabbos between Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and Finance Minister Dr. Yuval Shteinitz to address the proposed tax. Litzman acknowledged the need to cut government spending, but stated this cannot be accomplished on the backs of the weaker segments of society.
In a press conference held by Litzman last week, he announced, “I have an idea. Let’s impose a NIS 10 daily tax each day of school and a NIS 1 tax on crossing the streets” in a cynical statement exhibiting the scope of his opposition to the planned hospital surcharge.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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